This guide explains what it will take for you to earn money in Fortnite tournaments.

Fortnite competitive is one of the most demanding environments in all of esports. While the game requires technical and mechanical skills, players constantly fight an uphill battle. With Fortnite being a Battle Royale, the game throws unexpected obstacles at players, including random loot, unfavorable Storm Circles, and more. Regardless, many players have earned hundreds of thousands to over $1 million in prize money. Every player has to start somewhere, and this guide explains how you can earn money in Fortnite tournaments.

How can I win money playing Fortnite?

Fortnite hosts various in-game tournaments open to every worldwide region: NA Central, Europe, Brazil, Oceania, the Middle East, and Asia. No matter which region you find yourself in, the tournament selection with cash prizes is mostly the same, with Duos Cash Cups, Duos Console Cash Cups, Solo Victory Cups, Zero Build Duos Victory Cups, and the Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS).

Those looking to secure their first Fortnite earnings should look to the Victory Cups, as the threshold to qualify and win money is more attainable than the other options.

Below, we have provided a complete format explanation for the Solo and Zero Build Duos Victory Cups:

Solo Victory Cups

  • Requires Gold rank in Ranked Battle Royale
  • Two-round format
  • The top players from round one advance to round two
  • Round one lasts two hours
  • There is a seven-match limit
  • Players earn points based on eliminations, placement, and mid-match objectives
  • Here is the qualification threshold per region in round one:
    • Europe: Top 11,500 players
    • NAC: Top 9,000 players
    • Brazil: Top 1,250 players
    • Asia: Top 1,250 players
    • Middle East: Top 1,250 players
    • Oceania: Top 750 players
  • Round two lasts one hour
  • There is a three-match limit
  • Every match winner in Round two will take home $100

Zero Build Duos Victory Cups

  • Requires Gold rank in Ranked Zero Build
  • Two-round format
  • The top Duos from round one advance to round two
  • Round one lasts two hours
  • There is a seven-match limit
  • Duos earn points based on eliminations, placement, and mid-match objectives
  • Here is the qualification threshold per region in round one:
    • Europe: Top 2,250 Duos
    • NAC: Top 1,800 Duos
    • Brazil: Top 500 Duos
    • Asia: Top 500 Duos
    • Middle East: Top 500 Duos
    • Oceania: Top 350 Duos
  • Round two lasts one hour
  • There is a three-match limit
  • Every match-winning Duo earns $100 per player

The best strategies to earn in Victory Cups

Victory Cups allow all players to earn money in Fortnite. Unlike the more challenging Duos Cash Cups or Fortnite Champion Series, which professional players dominate, the Victory Cups allow many more players from round one to round two.

While it certainly won't be easy, earning in these win-or-go-home tournaments is more realistic. Those not well-versed in Fortnite competitive from a building perspective can avoid encounters with opponents and play the placement game.

Players who take the passive approach can earn up to 30 points with a Victory Royale or 65 points in Zero Build Duos. Additionally, you won't have to worry about the dreadful Storm Surge mechanic since lobbies will die out quicker in round one than in round two.

The points to qualify from round one to round two vary weekly, but 70 points for Solos and 230 points for Duos are safe goals, but all regions have different demands. Once you have reached the second round, your only goal is to overcome 99 other players, earn the Victory Royale, and add $100 to your bank account.

What about the other Fortnite tournaments?

Image Credit: Epic Games
Image Credit: Epic Games

Now that we have covered the most realistic way to earn cash in Fortnite tournaments, we'll briefly touch on the upper-level competitions, such as the Fortnite Champion Series (FNCS) and Cash Cups. Professional players dominate these events due to their superior skill, practice, and understanding of the game.

Unfortunately, going from a relatively new player who practices a few hours a week to a Duos Cash Cup or FNCS winner is challenging. Even the Duos Console Cash Cups, only open to non-PC platforms, have seen an influx of professional PC players.

There are other options, such as third-party tournaments, but those are usually invite-only. You may see some players earning money in "Tokens," but these are forbidden in Fortnite's terms of service. Your journey to Fortnite stardom and success should start with Victory Cups, and then, with more practice and dedication, you could compete in higher-level tournaments.

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