Who is Silva in Apex Legends? A full breakdown

Alexandra W

Alexandra W

The bespectacled villain of the Outlands has a long history with the Apex Games

Duardo Silva, real name Torres Silva, is one of the major antagonists of Apex Legends. He often appears in game trailers and Stories from the Outlands lore videos as a shadowy enemy working to control the Syndicate and the Apex Games.

Silva holding Revenant's head in Kill Code: Part 3 (via Apex Legends on YouTube)
Silva holding Revenant's head in Kill Code: Part 3 (via Apex Legends on YouTube)

You may recognize his iconic outfit: Green square-framed glasses, a tan fedora, and matching trench coat over a three-piece suit. But who exactly is this mysterious man? Well, he is the CEO of Silva Pharmaceuticals and is actually the grandfather of the speedster Legend, Octane. But there's a lot more to the character than that. Read on to find out more!

Who is Silva in Apex Legends?

Torres Silva is the father of Duardo Silva and the grandfather of Octavio Silva, AKA Octane. He was born in 2635 on the planet Psamathe. His beloved son, Duardo, died sometime during Octane’s childhood. Torres then assumed his identity for currently unknown reasons, besides stating it was because of his love for his son.

Torres hid the death certificate of his son on the Silva family estate around this time. He then revealed himself publicly as the CEO of Silva Pharmaceuticals. Additionally, from this point forward, Torres acted as Octane’s father rather than his grandfather. However, he was abusive and uncaring towards Octane.

Octane as a child (via Respawn Entertainment/Apex Legends)
Octane as a child (via Respawn Entertainment/Apex Legends)

Torres is also the creator of the Stim, which Octane uses in the Apex Games. Torres Silva uses Stim aswell, though he has a unique version that grants him longevity and good health. This is how he manages to look so healthy and young despite being nearly 100 years old.

How has Silva affected the Apex Legends lore?

Torres Silva has been integral to much of the plot of Apex Legends lore in the most recent seasons. His actions have majorly impacted Legends like Octane, Lifeline, Mad Maggie, Seer, Catalyst, Crypto, and Ballistic.

Season 9

The first major impact Torres Silva had on the actual game of Apex Legends was when he deliberately infected the floating city of Olympus with a deadly disease carried by vines and spores. This ship is the vine-covered Icarus POI of Olympus. There you can still find the creepy crawlers and dead bodies scattered throughout.

Silva’s plan had been to cause an epidemic that only his company would be able to cure. He was moderately sabotaged by Lifeline and Octane after they revealed the Silva Pharmaceutical logo on the ship, hurting his company's image.

Season 11

In Season 11 of Apex Legends, Silva announced that he was running for the head of the Mercenary Syndicate council. This position would make him the leader of the Syndicate, a group of mercenary organizations that run the Apex Games and control a significant number of planets, including Gaea (Storm Point) and Solace (Kings Canyon).

Silva launching the Defiance program, which would be blamed on Mad Maggie (via Respawn Entertainment/Apex Legends on YouTube)
Silva launching the Defiance program, which would be blamed on Mad Maggie (via Respawn Entertainment/Apex Legends on YouTube)

Prior to Season 12, Torres Silva orchestrated the inclusion of Mad Maggie to the Apex Games. He likely did this as it would be easy to use a former Salvonian warlord as a scapegoat for his future plans. During her first match in the Apex Games, Mad Maggie saw Silva launch a program titled “Defiance.” This teleported Olympus right above another huge city named Malta, causing concern throughout the Outlands. Of course, Mad Maggie was blamed for this.

Season 12

Additionally, in Season 12, an in-game questline titled “A Perfect Son” focused Torres Silva’s manipulation of Octane to help him win the election to become head of the Syndicate. Throughout the quest, Octane and Lifeline grow apart while Torres Silva wins the election. He then quickly dissolves the Syndicate council and establishes a militarized Syndicate Corps, making him the sole leader of the Syndicate with a militarized force.

Season 15

Torres Silva made a minor appearance in Season 13, returning once again in full force in Season 15 to build a new arena for the Apex Games. After Seer joined the Games and received a negative public reaction, he decided to try and bring the Apex Games to his home planet, Boreas. Seer hoped that this would give an economic boost to the planet after years of planetary issues caused by a meteor.

After Octane and Seer worked together to design the new arena, Silva suddenly changed plans and placed it on Cleo, the shattered moon of Boreas. This map is, of course, Broken Moon. This caused public opinion against Seer to grow significantly once again and brought Catalyst to the Apex Games as a sworn enemy against Seer. It seems that Silva was more interested in starting a mining operation on Cleo than doing anything to support the people of Boreas and Cleo.

Season 17

Season 17 saw Torres Silva confronted by Ballistic, the newest Legend after his son was selected for the Apex Games. Silva allowed Ballistic to enter the Games in his place, as it may be advantageous for Silva to have the older Legend in his debt.

Ballistic "convincing" Silva to let him compete in the Apex Games instead of his son (via Respawn Entertainment/Apex Legends on YouTube)
Ballistic "convincing" Silva to let him compete in the Apex Games instead of his son (via Respawn Entertainment/Apex Legends on YouTube)

What is Silva's current standing in Apex Legends?

Currently, Torres Silva is at his height of power. He is the one and only leader of the Syndicate, with a full militarized force behind him. As of the most recent Kill Code video, Silva also controls Revenant’s source code and will use him for currently unknown plans. Torres is also in decent standing with Octane since he became the sole leader of the Syndicate, though it is not likely that will last since Lifeline and Octane have been repairing their friendship.

For future updates on the Outlands number one boogeyman, check back here. And for more esports news, check out esports.gg!