Old G in Tour 2 WEU DPC Closed Qualifier – schedule, results, where to watch
Keep track of Old G’s schedule and results in the WEU DPC Closed Qualifier here!
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee
Will Old G prevail? WEU DPC Closed Qualifier to pit Old G, Team Bald Reborn, and more
Feels like deja vu. Old G is once again a step away from joining the Dota Pro Circuit but can they make it out of the Closed Qualifier this time around?
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee
Old G stares at uncertain future with N0tail having second thoughts on competing
The latest MBS podcast reveals that Old G might still compete in the next qualifier but N0tail is not ready for the commitment.
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee

Old G in WEU DPC Closed Qualifier – schedule, results, where to watch
Old G begins their journey in the WEU DPC Closed Qualifier today. Keep track with the team’s matches and results here!
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee

Ceb talks about Old G: “You should have zero expectations for this team.”
Ceb sums up the formation of Old G and what they are looking forward to in the upcoming season.
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee

Old G – OG’s new Dota 2 roster with old favorites
Rumors of OG’s desire to sign a new roster have been swirling for months, and now we might have seen the results as Old G is registered.
Michael Hassall