If they can win $1 million, they can win you some pubs.

BetBoom Dacha Dubai is only a few days away, so if you were expecting a patch to shake heroes up, too bad. While every tournament has its own particular meta, 7.35b has already hosted multiple big events, including the qualifiers for BetBoom Dacha itself. 

Looking at those qualifiers with the preliminaries for DreamLeague Season 22 and ESL One Birmingham, we can already tell which heroes are going to dominate at BetBoom Dacha Dubai.

These three heroes will define the BetBoom Dacha meta

Every draft will start with Doom

The hero isn’t exactly dominating pubs with a 49.41% win rate and sitting 71st in popularity, but make no mistake: Doom is a terror in the pro scene. The offlaner was the most feared hero across the ESL One Birmingham qualifiers with 253 bans to 43 picks. He’s also among the most-banned heroes in every region of BetBoom Dacha’s quals and the second-most banned during the DreamLeague Season 22’s play-ins.

Doom's signature ultimate traded mute for negating all healing in 7.34 (Image via Valve)
Doom's signature ultimate traded mute for negating all healing in 7.34 (Image via Valve)

Doom's biggest recent change is removing the deny feature from his ultimate. After Doom, well, Dooms, coordinated teams could isolate the victim and deny the kill. Now that the kill is secured, the hero can finally snowball. With other bedrock offlaners like Tidehunter, Sand King, and Bristleback in the dumpster, Doom has become a nightmare for every team.

For better or worse, Nature’s Prophet is back

Nature’s Prophet isn’t quite the menace he was in 7.34, but the hero’s unique traits are still perfectly suited to tournament play. The hero has everything pro teams want from an early draft pick. He wins lanes, secures objectives, and flexes between three different roles. Valve knocking down NP’s stat gain just isn’t enough to affect the impact of Sprout or Aghanim’s Scepter-enhanced Nature’s Wrath.

Quelling Blades are not enough (Image via Valve)
Quelling Blades are not enough (Image via Valve)

In the 84 games NP slipped through the draft at DreamLeague Season 22 qualifiers, he earned a remarkable 61.90% win rate. However, he was actually one of the less successful heroes in most BetBoom Dacha regions. NP was particularly contested in the combined China and SEA qualifier, so regional reps Azure Ray, LGD, and Aurora could have him in their back pockets.

Faceless Void is the king of carry heroes at BetBoom Dacha

Janne "Gorgc" Stefanovski isn’t the only Dota 2 player malding about Faceless Void. The hero went from virtually unplayed in 7.34 to the most successful carry of top-level matchmaking. That 54.1% win rate has leaked into pro play, with the hero being top five most contested at DreamLeague, Birmingham, and three of the five BetBoom quals.

Faceless had a 57.35% win rate with 68 games at ESL One Birmingham qualifiers (Image via Valve)
Faceless had a 57.35% win rate with 68 games at ESL One Birmingham qualifiers (Image via Valve)

The hero synergizes with many other popular picks such as Timbersaw, Chen, Puck, and Ember Spirit. Chronosphere is still a top-tier initiation spell, and Void’s scaling is second to none. Strangely, the China/SEA and MENA qualifiers barely paid Void any attention despite a 57% win rate in the former. Expect western squads to dive for the hero in the first phase against those regions’ teams.

Stay tuned to esports.gg for the latest updates on all things Dota 2.