XDefiant gets a preseason update: Patch Notes 1

Eugene Bozhenko

Eugene Bozhenko

Some bugs and issues have been fixed in Ubisoft’s shooting game.

It’s been only a few days since the full release of XDefiant, and the game already gets some love and care from the developers. The first preseason update is focused on polishing the playing experience for everyone: removing some small but annoying problems. Check out the XDefiant Preseason Patch Notes 1 in this post on esports.gg!

XDefiant Patch Notes 1 (Preseason)

The list of improvements is not very big, which may be a sign of the general quality of the release and the thorough approach of the developers. XDefiant went through public testing, so the game feels to be decently prepared for the release — and the developers give players Double XP to celebrate this.

Let’s take a look at what still had to be fixed in the preseason period of XDefiant.

  • Practice Zone spawn

Some players experienced issues with spawning into Practice Zone — they found themselves outside the world. The issue has been addressed with this patch. The developers have turned Practice Zone back on, but they still warn about potential “weird things” that may happen.

  • Device deployment bug

This problem occurred only in very specific situations — when a player was killed during the animation of the device deployment. That caused the inability to throw the next deployed device properly: it would fall down instead.

With XDefiant preseason update 1, the device deployment mechanic should work with no issues regardless of previous actions.

  • An opponent’s broken health bar

The preseason update 1 for XDefiant has fixed the bug of displaying the health bar of opponents in some situations. It happened when a player was shooting an opponent but was killed first — the opponent’s health bar appeared to be full. The display bug has been fixed.

  • AMD GPU: low framerates 

This technical problem has been solved, and now all AMD GPUs should render XDefiant frames without drops.

  • UI text in Arabic

The game had incorrect Arabic text in the User Interface after a match was over. The developers updated this localization.

When the update is out?

This update for XDefiant will be released on May 25, at 6 AM PT / 9 AM ET.

It’s obviously not all bugs and issues in XDefiant, but it’s great to see the developers improving the game even before Season 1. For everything interesting and important about XDefiant, stick around on esports.gg!