Joyful chaos has entered World of Warcraft.
Warcraft Rumble Machines have appeared in World of Warcraft! These machines let players expand their toy collections with miniatures of beloved characters. Read on for the Warcraft Rumble Machine locations, how to unlock them, and list of achievements.
Warcraft Rumble Machine locations
Azeroth's Warcraft Rumble Machines can be found in four Dragonflight zones and other areas. The zones include Thaldraszus, Azure Span, Waking Shores, and the Ohn'ahran Plains. Meanwhile, other Warcraft Rumble Machine locations include Valdrakken, Stormwind, and Orgrimmar.
- Thaldraszus
- Azure Span
- Waking Shores
- Ohn'ahran Plains
- Valdrakken
- Stormwind
- Orgrimmar

How Warcraft Rumble Machines work
When the machines become available, champions of Azeroth would receive some in-game mail. The letter would direct them to a quest giver named Mizzen. Players who are over level 60 will head to Valdrakken while those who are level 60 and below will go to either Stormwind or Orgrimmar.
Once a player is in front of a Warcraft Rumble Machine, they can insert a Rumble Coin in it. Players can't get the same miniature twice. Additionally, these toys are untradeable.

Players can also get their hands on Rumble Foil to customize their miniatures. There are 14 Rumble Foils in total that are spread throughout the Dragon Isles, Valdrakken, Orgrimmar, and Stormwind.

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World of Warcraft Rumble Coin locations and more
Rumble Coins can be also found in the Dragon Isles, Valdrakken, Stormwind, and Orgrimmar. Look around for glowing bags that are in hiding. According to Blizzard, each collectable miniatures costs one Rumble Coin.

Here's the list of new achievements that are dedicated to the Warcraft Rumble hype:
- Warcraft Rumble Minis, Get 'em All!: Collect seven Minis
- Warcraft Rumble Minis, New Looks!: Upgrade all seven Minis once
- Warcraft Rumble Minis, All the Looks!: Upgrade all seven Minis twice
- Warcraft Rumble Minis, Maiev's New Look: Upgrade Maiev once
- Warcraft Rumble Minis, Sneed's New Look: Upgrade Sneed once
- Warcraft Rumble Minis, Huntress's New Look: Upgrade Night Elf Huntress once
- Warcraft Rumble Minis, Stonehoof Tauren's New Look: Upgrade Stonehoof Tauren once
- Warcraft Rumble Minis, Ghoul's New Look: Upgrade Undead Ghoul once
- Warcraft Rumble Minis, Murloc's New Look: Upgrade Murloc once
- Warcraft Rumble Minis, Whelp Egg's New Look: Upgrade Whelp Egg once
- Warcraft Rumble Minis, Maiev's Newer Look: Upgrade Maiev twice
- Warcraft Rumble Minis, Sneed's Newer Look: Upgrade Sneed twice
- Warcraft Rumble Minis, Huntress's Newer Look: Upgrade Night Elf Huntress twice
- Warcraft Rumble Minis, Stonehoof Tauren's Newer Look: Upgrade Stonhoof Tauren twice
- Warcraft Rumble Minis, Ghoul's Newer Look: Upgrade Undead Ghoul twice
- Warcraft Rumble Minis, Murloc's Newer Look: Upgrade Murloc twice
- Warcraft Rumble Minis, Whelp Egg's Newer Look: Upgrade Whelp Egg twice
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