Fyrakk the Blazing is dead! Echo take home the victory in the WoW RWF for Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope, beating Team Liquid and Method.
Echo has defeated Mythic Fyrakk, to claim world-first kill in RWF Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope’s Mythic difficulty, the most challenging difficulty of World of Warcraft’s latest raid. Killing Fyrakk the Blazing, the raid’s final boss at around 15:31 p.m. PT, Echo ended a neck-and-neck Race for World First, that had them and Team Liquid both on sub-2% health for several hours before the kill.
How Echo won the Amirdrassil RWF
After 13 days of racing, and four days on this final boss, Echo claimed the difficult kill on Fyrakk. It’s Echo’s second World First of the expansion, having claimed the win in Vault of the Incarnates. Team Liquid had claimed the previous title, in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible, but couldn’t replicate their success again in Amirdrassil.
In a thrilling race from start to finish, Echo and Team Liquid had started out grinding split raids on Heroic and Normal difficulty for almost four days straight, rather than attempt Mythic difficulty for on the earlier bosses. As a result, when Team Liquid and Echo joined the Mythic race proper on Nov. 17 and 18 respectively, they steamed through the early parts of the raid. This essentially put the early-bird raiders, such as Blue Shoe, and Instant Dollars, out of contention.
As the race went on, Echo and Team Liquid remained neck-and-neck until the first big wall of the raid: Tindral Sageswift. Affectionately nicknamed “Taylor Swift” by the raiders, T.Swift lasted for almost four days, dragging the race into a second week. However, Team Liquid would finally defeat Tindral on Nov. 21, racing into the lead.

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Echo quickly caught up though, racing into final contention and passing Team Liquid in progress. This would remain the case for much of the remainder of the race, with Team Liquid only pulling ahead once in the final day of the raid. Ultimately, however, Echo remained consistent today, on Nov. 26, and as things pushed into Nov. 27 for them (they played past midnight), they secured the kill.
Team Liquid will now likely come in second, with Method close in the lead. It was an impressive showing from both Team Liquid, who were close to claiming the victory, and could have literally taken the win any pull today. Method’s end to the race was incredible as well, as closed the gap to just 20% in the final day.
Race-wise, Amirdrassil has been one of the best RWF in recent memory. A close race with lots of excitement, bosses that were hard to kill, but not bugged, and just overall an incredible event. While as always, there was some controversy (boss nerfs at strange times, etc.), this will go down in WoW RWF history as one of the best ever.