The Vision Strikers IGL spoke about Korea’s representation at VCT Champs and was extremely confident of reaching the top 4 at Champs

The only Korean team at VCT Champions, Vision Strikers is also one of the top contenders to win the tournament. The team is looking for revenge after a disappointing finish at VCT Masters Berlin where they lost to Gambit in the quarterfinals. Ever-so-confident, the team's IGL Stax spoke about the Vision Strikers preparation and confidence coming into VCT Champions Berlin.

This is not the first time that Vision Strikers has been the favorites to win a tournament. They were the favorites at Masters Berlin as well. But things didn’t go their way when they met Gambit in the Quarterfinals. A relatively early exit for a team that was expected to easily reach the Grand finals.

"Definitely, you can expect us to perform better than Masters Berlin. Once you’ve watched us, you will realize straight away that we have grown significantly since Masters 3."

Stax is confident his team will reach the top four in this event. Every team wants to lift the first-ever Valorant Champions trophy.

Stax is confident VS will go deeper in this tournament. Image Credit: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">Riot Games</a>.
Stax is confident VS will go deeper in this tournament. Image Credit: Riot Games.

Even though Vision strikers did not win Masters Berlin, they are still a favorite to win the Champions tournament. Being a favorite puts a target on your back. Every other opponent will study and devise counter-strats against you. Its easy to climb to the top but difficult to stay there.

We actually don’t play set strategies that often. We are usually much more versatile and depend on direct communication in the game. Last time, during Masters 3, we had a lot of small mistakes that led to some losses. This time, we are much more prepared and more confident of going further in the tournament. 


Stax did not expect Korean teams to perform well at LCQ

Vision Strikers is one of the favorites to win VCT Champions Berlin. Image Credit: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">Riot Games</a>.
Vision Strikers is one of the favorites to win VCT Champions Berlin. Image Credit: Riot Games.

Vision Strikers is the only full-Korean roster at this event. When asked if he was surprised with Korea’s lacklustre performance at the LCQ, Stax said he expected the teams to perform worse. 

"I was expecting an SEA team to come up cause there were a lot of changes in the Korean teams leading up to the LCQ. So I expected they were not going to perform as well. In fact, I expected them to perform worse than they did. I did expect an SEA team to perform well, although not specifically FULL SENSE."

The APAC LCQ had three full-Korean rosters: DAMWON Gaming, F4Q and NUTURN Gaming. Neither of these teams was able to win the LCQ, with DAMWON and NUTURN finishing 3rd and 4th respectively.

"Fracture is one of our strongest maps right now"- Stax on Valorant's latest map

Fracture is the latest map to join the Valorant map list and is bound to play a major role in the Champions matches. Vision Strikers has not had a single official map on Fracture. But Stax is confident enough to call Fracture as one of the strongest maps for the team.

"Initially when the map was released we tried to keep our distance from it. We weren’t so sure about it. But after some practice, we are very confident of our performance on Fracture.

I’d go as far as to say it’s one of our strongest maps right now. We are confident we can beat any team on Fracture."

Finally, when asked which team he would like to face at VCT Champions, Stax says he would pick Envy. 

He then looks over at Redgar, with a broad smile, as he tells his translator:

“If I could pick any game against any team, I would pick a finals match against Gambit for revenge.”

Valorant fans would love for a rematch between Gambit and Vision Strikers, and this time, in the finals.

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