With Harbor now on the live server, will you convert to Valorants latest agent?

Riot Games has released its latest Valorant patch in 5.08. 5.08 introduces a brand new agent to the live server in Harbor, as well as some bug fixes. This new patch is also the introduction to the new Battlepass for Episode 5 Act 3 which will launch later today.

Here is everything you need to know about Valorant patch 5.08.

Harbor hits the live servers in patch 5.08

The biggest and coolest addition to patch 5.08 was the introduction to Valorants latest agent, Harbor. Harbor hails from India and is a water-bending controller agent. Esports.gg has extensive coverage on Valorant's latest agent, including his abilities, his teaser trailer and more.

"Hailing from India’s coast, Harbor storms the field wielding ancient technology with dominion over water. He unleashes frothing rapids and crushing waves to shield his allies and pummel those that oppose him." - Riot Games

Bug fixes


  • Fixed an issue where friendly versions of area-damage abilities could overwrite enemy versions of those abilities to deal less damage
  • Fixed a bug where Viper’s Toxic Screen could have small gaps around ground level in specific map locations

Gameplay Systems

Fixed various minimap bugs:

  • Ally position indicators would persist on the edge of minimap even after ally came back into view
  • In some cases, KAY/O’s Suppression Blade position indicator could appear twice on the minimap
  • Opening the larger map (defaulted to Caps Lock and ‘M’) during round transition could cause spawn barriers to appear as a single pixel
  • “Recently Seen Enemy” icon indicators could sometimes update their position without the enemy being visible



  • Fixed a sliver line of sight from A Main to A Link
<em>Image courtesy of Riot Games</em>
Image courtesy of Riot Games

Valorant patch 5.08 will roll out today across many regions. Esports.gg will have coverage of everything that comes with the latest act.

Stay tuned to Esports.gg for the latest Valorant news and updates.