G2 Mixwell on their playstyle, Masters Reykjavik and his new role on the team



G2 Mixwell speaks to esports.gg’s Rohan about the team’s first match against Zeta Division, his role on the team and why they are not an easy to beat.

G2’s first match was against Zeta Division, a team that has surpassed expectations, even their own. The Japanese team whose initial goal was to win just one match found itself in the playoffs, matching up against one of the best teams in EMEA. Zeta Division has improved over the course of the tournament feels G2 Mixwell.

"We knew what they were doing cause we watched their games. But we didn't know how good they were individually until we played against them. I feel like they've improved massively from previous masters. Their confidence is much higher than before. They had a good plan against us even though they had 18 hours to prepare. They did good anti-stratting and props to them, because I believe they are better than what people think."

They (Zeta Division) did good anti-stratting and props to them, because I believe they are better than what people think.

Mixwell on Zeta Division

Zeta Division played three series over the course of three days against Fnatic, NiP and finally G2 esports. Despite the packed schedule, Zeta’s performance impressed Mixwell as they were constantly gaining info and adapting to their opponents, a playstyle that they had adopted against Fnatic and NiP in the group stage.

"They tried to jump spot, gain info where I was and then they probably knew, depending on the information about our setups. They had good execute on the late round. Props to them because they did really good preparation. We adapted in the way of not letting them (get) space to execute. Because if they know how we play, then the better thing to do is to kill someone before they do the execute. We try to take as much space as possible. Even though we tried, it was hard anyways. We will rewatch the game to know what to do better."

Thoughts on Chamber

Mixwell had a dominating performance on Bind with Chamber against Zeta Division. Image Credit: Valorant esports.
Mixwell had a dominating performance on Bind with Chamber against Zeta Division. Image Credit: Valorant esports.

Chamber has been one of the most popular agents this Masters. The newest agent to join Valorant is very popular amongst all teams. Mixwell picked Chamber on the second map of Bind, styling over Zeta Division. The 26-year old Spanish player had impressive stats all around with a 315 ACS and a 186 ADR on the final map. 

"I think Chamber is one of the strongest agents in the game. It gives a lot in terms of firepower. Economy wise you can play a lot of rounds without buying which helps your teammates to have a gun. You can play aggressive or passive, you can put deep traps to get information. I think if you don't play Chamber you're also falling (behind) in the meta."

His new role on G2, this time, not an IGL

No longer the IGL, Mixwell tells us how his new role on the helps him to improve his individual level.
No longer the IGL, Mixwell tells us how his new role on the helps him to improve his individual level.

Earlier this year, Keloqz replaced Mixwell on the team as G2 tried to find the perfect combination fo players. The former CS: GO player was ready to look for new teams before G2 brought him back on the main roster. The new structure within the team saw Nukkye take over as the IGL, allowing G2 Mixwell to focus on his personal performance.

"Not being the IGL helps me in my individual level because it's hard to IGL and have a lot of kills at the same time because you have to take care of your teammates and everyone knows that. Now that I am free I also help the IGL a lot. I am probably the one that talks the most in mid-round matches and I try to help him in that sense. 

For me, where I'm trying to improve the most it's probably giving confidence to my team, knowing we always have a plan if it doesn't work what we're doing. Just sharing my experience with them so they feel safe. I'm trying to be the best teammate I can be, in-game and individually I want to be the sharpest. Because the previous months I wasn't and now I feel like I'm back to top-level form and I'm still working on it because it's not my end form."

Nukkye’s in-game leadership style is very different from Mixwell's and it allows him to focus on his performance while leading the team at the same time. Nukkye had an impressive performance against Zeta Division with a 236 ACS and a 167 ADR.

"I think Nukkye's style is more loose than mine. Mine was more rigid, I micromanaged more than Nukkye. It's detrimental to your (performance) level because you are always thinking about everybody (else). Nukkye is IGLing in a way that is much more loose. He just calls the idea and then everyone can say the final call, it's not something that he is IGLing all the time. It's more of a guidance and then everybody gives the input in the round. So he can focus a lot on killing and he's doing a great job of it."

FunPlus Phoenix and the Masters Playoffs spot

G2 esports is a favorite to win the VCT Masters Reykjavik 2022. Image Credit: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/valorantesports/albums/with/72177720298000160" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">Riot Games.</a>
G2 esports is a favorite to win the VCT Masters Reykjavik 2022. Image Credit: Riot Games.

But G2 was not the team that was supposed to play directly in the playoffs. FPX beat G2 3-1 in the EMEA Challengers Grand finals, a splendid performance by the ANGE1-led team. However, their celebrations were cut short as it was soon revealed they would not able to travel to Iceland.

"I don't think we got happy (when we heard the news). It was OK. We were expecting it even, because there were rumors about it happening. It was not a surprise for us, it was sad because FPX is really strong. They could have made it very deep in this tournament. But it wasn't a surprise for us, because with the war and all that stuff it was a real possibility. When they told us, we were expecting it. "

FPX’s absence meant G2 was seeded directly in the playoffs. Starting in the playoffs is a double-edged sword, says G2 Mixwell. 

I would say mechanically it's a disadvantage and tactically it's a huge advantage

G2 Mixwell on starting directly in playoffs

"I would say mechanically it's a disadvantage and tactically it's a huge advantage. Mechanically because you don't get used to playing. You play against the best teams, the ones that qualified from groups, they played three/four games. (We never played three games with the roster on LAN. It was a bit nervousness for us. I think it goes both ways, tactically it's a huge advantage, mechanically it's a huge disadvantage." 

But if there is a team that can adapt to their opponents and be able to change their playstyle and approach, it is G2. On the broadcast yesterday, Bren mentioned said G2 is a team that often comes up with plays on the fly. It is something Mixwell agrees with and the experience on the team is a big reason for them being able to adapt their playstyle.

"It's harder to anti-strat us, because one game you'll see us playing one way, the next game we play in a different way" - G2 Mixwell

“I think G2 is really good at doing that (adapting on the fly) because we have players that are able to do it. We are experienced. Our playstyle is very flow-state, reading the opponent every time we play. Every time we lose the round, we're talking about what we can do better, what we can change. Everyone gives ideas, it is not that super rigid IGL style. It's more of a 'everyone can make a call' style because everyone knows the final goal. It's a style that the more we play the better we are, but it also can be very sloppy like today.

(Our playstyle) is not like DRX which is super tactical and super clean. They will execute things in a very strategic matter and they will repeat it, repeat it and repeat it. We work in a different way. It's harder to anti-strat us, because one game you'll see us playing one way, the next game we play in a different way. I would say that it's because of the players we have and the coach have.”

G2 will face LOUD in the upper bracket semifinals at 1 pm ET on Apr 17, 2022.

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Image Credit: Valorant Flickr.