Announced during the Tokyo Game Show 2022, the Street Fighter 6 Battle Hub Closed Beta Test will take place between October 7th and October 10th.
Today (October 15th), during the Tokyo Game Show 2022, Capcom unveiled more details about Street Fighter 6, the latest entry into their premier fighting game title. One of these details was the reveal of the Street Fighter 6 Battle Hub Closed Beta test.
Set to take place between October 7th and October 10th, the Street Fighter 6 Battle Hub Closed Beta is available fro PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Steam users. Here’s how to get access to the beta:
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How to access the Street Fighter 6 Closed Beta
The first step is to head to the official Capcom Street Fighter 6 Closed Beta Test website, which can be found here.
Scroll down and click Apply for the Closed Beta Test. You’ll need a Capcom ID. If you don’t have a Capcom ID you can quickly and easily create one using the Sign Up option. Once you’re registered, return to the first page and click Apply.
Next you’ll have to go through a short questionnaire that will select which platform you’re playing on, and ask you to read a brief EULA, and a Private Policy agreement. There’s nothing too sinister in here, so just scroll through them and click I Agree.
Now you’re all signed up for the closed beta! You should find out if you'd made it on October 5th.
What can I expect in the SF6 CBT?

The Closed Beta Test will reportedly feature eight characters including Ken, Ryu, Chun Li, Blanka, Dhalsim, Ehonda, Juri, and Luke. It will feature online matches, tournaments, Training Mode, Extreme Battle, and more besides. This is one of the best chances to get your hands on the game before the launch, so grab your chance at the beta now!