Capcom revealed the Street Fighter 6 costume 3 skins today in a trailer, which includes everyone’s fav psychopath Juri in a pink onesie.
Capcom just revealed the trailer for the upcoming Street Fighter 6 costume 3 skins. Now, while there will be scuttlebutt about more microtransactions there's only one thing that matters. Yes, that is, indeed, Juri Han--eternal badass of Street Fighter--in a pink spider onesie. Oh, and some other ones were also shown during the Capcom showcase at EVO. However, we now know that the third costume set is coming next month.
And you know what? This is exactly the kind of silly and weird stuff I want out of my Street Fighter costumes. While it's all well and good to get some throwback looks with costume 2, I need more. I need uncomfortable weirdness like Hakan in Street Fighter IV dressed as an octopus. I want more people dressed like Mega Man.
Give me all your off-putting costume 3 options, Street Fighter 6. Give them to me now.
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When will the Street Fighter 6 Costume 3 set release?
Good news: The Street Fighter 6 Costume 3 set releases on Dec. 1. This includes Juri's aforementioned onesie, Dee Jay sporting his best Disco Stu suit, Marisa in formal attire, and Guile with his hair in a pony tail.
Wow, that's weird. Like seeing a dog walk on its hind legs.
If you were waiting for the skin options to get wacky and wild then it looks like the costume 3 Street Fighter 6 skins are your jam. I know I'm ready for Juri in a onesie.
We don't have any further info just yet, such as price or a release date. However, don't expect this to be the last Street Fighter 6 announcement on EVO weekend. After all, there's two more days and we're still not even out of pool play as of me writing this.
Many miles to go before we sleep. Sleep in a onesie, that is.
Capcom released an update on four more new skins, including Ken, Cammy, Lily, and Luke. See below for higher quality versions.

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