Creator Clash 2 Results: Countdown, live blog, and updates

Michael Hassall

Michael Hassall

Stay with us for updates, results LIVE from the Creator Clash 2 event, featuring iDubbbz, Arin Hanson, Andrea Botez, and many more!

Creator Clash 2 is here and this is your source for all the live results! From 2:00 p.m. PT, the Creator Clash will take over Florida's Amelie Arena as 20 high-profile YouTube stars square off. Obviously the big headline act is iDubbbz vs Wassabi, but the full card is still stacked. And we're bringing you all the action and live event details here on!

Creator Clash 2 start time countdown

Keep your eyes peeled to our start time countdown!

Full Creator Clash 2 Results

(Image via Esfand)
(Image via Esfand)

Stay with us as we detail the full results, updates, and more!

Opening and preshow

Markiplier and Jacksepticeye open up the show with a preshow panel to warm up the crowd and audience at home. There's some minor technical difficulties, so the pair filibuster for time.

The commentators started out muted (Image via Creator Clash)
The commentators started out muted (Image via Creator Clash)

The technical issues continued, with the commentary team, shown above, starting off muted. This was eventually resolved. The event cuts to Esfand and Amouranth, who are interviewers for the night. Amouranth plugs her fight later in the year at ibai's boxing event.

Jacksepticeye and Markiplier showcase some of the fights, and it seems to hint that the listed card might not be in the same order for the live event.

TheOdd1sOut appeared on panel and called out Anthony Padilla, not sure if serious. Probably a more event matchup than Rallison's last fight!

Jack Manifold vs. Dakota Olave

(Image via Creator Clash)
(Image via Creator Clash)

This fight looks pretty equal on paper. Jack Manifold looks incredibly nervous, but reps the Union Jack as Rule Britannia plays for the walkout. Dakota Olave calls himself Pappi Smurf. Comes out looking much more intense.

Jack has a lot of aggression, and great movement. He hits Dakota with some solid hits in the first round, but had slightly dodgy defense, that got punished. But in the second round, Jack came out SUPER aggressive and absolutely popped Dakota a few times. Really great stuff, the hits from Jack seem to land much better. Threatening to go the distance, Jack's energy is great, Dakota looks surprised.

Round 3 and Dakota comes out with more aggression to match Jack, but the reach and chin on his opponent seems to stifle his attack. Dakota goes slow when he's forced to defend, while Jack keeps up the pace. Jack's defending really bad this round, he's taking blows he shouldn't, and running into punches.

Round 4, Jack was trying to do some weird fundamental stuff to start off with. The whole "measure with jab, hit with cross," but really, when he stuck with his hooks it was better. Finds his footing, but is taking lots of shots. Dakota lands some good hits, earns some points, and in the end, pop's Jack's nose, and is now bloodied.

Final round, looks like Jack's fight to lose, and he seems to try to. He's bloodied up, and the ref stops to check him for a moment, before the round ends. Clear victory for Jack Manifold. Pride of England right now.

Winner: Jack Manifold (Unanimous Decision)

Jaelaray vs. Abelina Sabrina

(Image via Creator Clash)
(Image via Creator Clash)

Jaelaray comes out to League of Legends Worlds Theme RISE, meaning she's definitely the most physically active League of Legends player today. Abelina Sabrina dunks on that by coming out with a full Mariachi band, incredible!

Jaelaray comes out HARD in round one, but this initial burst of energy isn't enough to put down Sabrina. Sabrina didn't land more than two or three punches the whole first round.

Round two, much of the same Jaela just laying into Sabrina, with little defence. Ref almost stops, but Sabrina clinches to keep the fight alive. Sabrina got a few good hits. Jaelaray seems to be gassing out a bit late round. Third round was another brutal stomp for Jaelaray. Commentators say she's landed over 50 jabs in the first three rounds.

Round four, Sabrina still getting rocked. Impressive conditioning to stay in the fight. Great chin on Sabrina. Final round, Sabrina landed some good shots, but looks like a clear decision for Jaelaray.

Winner: Jaelaray (Unanimous Decision)

After the match, Jaelaray called out YEB.

Dad vs. AB Ayad "Starkilla"

(Image via Creator Clash)
(Image via Creator Clash)

Nathan Barnatt is full in on his Dad persona tonight, so hoping the intensity is similar to last time. Hopefully Dad won't gas himself before the match. AB looks slow, a bit nervous. AB looks horrible, not in shape. Much worse shape than his match with Hundar last year.

AB swinging for the bleachers. Dad goes to working the gut, and AB starts to look very slow. Lots of big hits from either side.

But during the break, AB calls it. Looks like the body shots took their toll. It looks like AB might have a broken rib. Commentators seem to confirm that AB has broken a rib. Brutal. Dad is a menace.

Winner: Dad (Stoppage)

Dad calls out the entire WWE. Nathan Barnatt trying to make his way into the world of pro wrestling. He calls out Seth Rollins.

Dad calls out Nexpo, who'd previously made a video essay on the Dad series. Dad called out Nexpo at the previous creator clash as well.

Froggy Fresh vs. Chris Ray Gun Canceled

Match cancelled, will be fought during the Misfits Boxing event. It's unknown if Chris Ray Gun will still be on the card.

William Haynes vs. Chris Ray Gun

(Image via Creator Clash)
(Image via Creator Clash)

William has gone from not boxing three weeks ago, and dropping 13lbs. William Haynes comes out to the Star Trek: Voyager theme tune, while his entourage is dressed as the Avengers. I'm guessing they couldn't just play the Avenger's Assemble theme. Chris Ray Gun comes out with some traditional Puerto Rican music, wrapped in the flag.

Ray Gun has a huge deficit in weight, height, and reach. William might bop this guy. Both guys really quick, but William looks more natural. I don't think there's a way for Chris to land punches here, it would be hard for veteran boxer to overcome this. William Hayes gets the first knockdown of the night to end round one.

Round 2, Chris trying to move in, but William's spacing just too good. Chris Ray Gun just mismatched against a larger opponent, and doesn't defend himself. TKO declared, because Chris isn't defending himself.

Winner: William Haynes (TKO)

Mika Midgett vs. Alanah Pearce

(Image via Creator Clash)
(Image via Creator Clash)

Alanah comes out with a harpy, dressed as Kratos, with cosplayers (including Jessica Nigri) dressed as Harpies and Atreyu.

Even first round, but both seem to gas very quickly. Honestly I don't know if either has the gas in the tank for to go for five. These are heavy hitters, but nothing landing really. Much slower pace than what we've seen.

Round two, Mika rushed out with a big shot, but Alanah didn't go down. Now both back to slow slugging. Very slow. Methodical. There's almost no foot movement. I think we get a stoppage because of lack of defense. For round three, there's so little movement, it's hard to decide who's winning.

Round four, there's no power behind the punches. Hands on hips. Referee is laughing, he knows he's not got much to do this match. Round five there's some energy, but really there was a huge stamina deficit.

Winner: Alanah Pearce (Split Decision)

Myth vs. Hundar

(Image via Creator Clash)
(Image via Creator Clash)

Myth stepping back into the ring against Hundar, both vets of influencer boxing. This should be a great match! Myth comes out to Avenged Sevenfold. Hundar follows, to Slayer's Raining Blood.

Myth immediately comes out throwing some quick hard punches, but Hundar throws back with some body shots. Hundar a smart, cerebral fighter, clinches when Myth tries his own body shots. A quick straight shot knocks Hundar down with a really big hit, and the round is over. Referee waves it off in the corner.

Winner: Myth (TKO, Round 1)

Alex "ididathing" Apollonov vs. Fitz Canceled due to injury

This matchup was cancelled due to injury on March 13. Alex Apollonov announced on Twitter that he'd received a concussion during training, and wouldn't be competing. With the limited time left before the fight and lack of opponents Fitz was left off the card as well. An unfortunate and short end to ididathing's incredibly impressive boxing career. The YouTuber had impressed many with his first performance against animator Theodd1out.

Hayley Sharp vs. Marisha Ray

(Creator Clash 2)
(Creator Clash 2)

Hayley back after getting rocked by Minx last year. Taking on voice actor and professional D&D nerd Marisha Ray. Hayley with the slight shade with the Roman's Revenge by Nicki Minaj, with Dungeons & Dragons lyrics. Marisha comes out with the whole Critical Role crew.

Hayley comes out with a lot more aggression, and Marisha looks absolutely overwhelmed. Marisha may have played Beauregard, the Monk with the Flurry of Blows ability, but she got to experience it first hand from Hayley in round one. Round two even more aggression from Hayley. She's a machine.

Round three, Hayley applied the Bloodied condition to Marisha, like this was D&D 4e. And round four, Marisha just decided to take more punches from Hayley. Marisha's defence was completely ineffective by this point. Marisha somehow managed to cut Hayley's nose in that round.

Two big hits from Marisha to start the final round. But Hayley has a great chin, and it's not gonna work. Marisha just looking for cheeky hits and lots of clinches. Hayley a clear winner.

Winner: Hayley (Unanimous Decision)

Arin Hanson vs. Jarvish Johnson

(Image via Creator Clash)
(Image via Creator Clash)

Arin comes out with TWRP, to the Japanese theme to Sailor Moon. His outfit pays homage to Sailor Moon with the bow and seifuku elements. Jarvish comes out to a much more intense theme and matches that intensity with his demeaner.

Despite Arin's training and apparent improvement, its back to sloppy punches and wild swings just like last time in round one. Really not good that Jarvish looks about as experienced as his opponent despite Arin's experience.

Round two, both guys gassed, but Arin with a little more in the tank. He takes out his heavier opponent by TKO. Arin remembered he had actually trained for boxing at some point in the middle of the match.

Winner: Arin Hanson (TKO)

Michelle Khare vs. Andrea Botez

(Image via Creator Clash)
(Image via Creator Clash)

Botez comes out to Crazy Frog, with a huge security detail, rolling deeper than anyone all night. Michelle Khare comes out with a group of cheerleaders and walks out with Levy "GothamChess" Rosman, a chess grandmaster.

Lots of speed and footwork, not many hits landed to start, but its Khare who lands the first shots. And Khare is so fast, that Botez can't grab her in the clinch. And when she does Khare punishes her. Great footwork, great boxing in round one.

Round two is more aggression. What's so impressive for an influencer boxer is that Khare can get in under the taller and longer Botez. So hard to do, and makes it seem effortless.

Round three, Michelle's nose pops, but Botez' cheek starts to swell, her eye might start to be an issue if this goes the distance. Really solid stuff as Michelle lands more consistent blows. Michelle tries to take the middle, and is always moving. Such a great fight.

For the fourth round, Botez came out with more aggression, landing more punches, and might be able to take this round. Botez at this point is trying to force the split decision.

In the final round Michelle hit out with one of the most impressive shots of the fight, absolutely devastating, but Botez remained standing. But both fighters were finally starting to slow, and Botez went back to the clinch. Risky with how Khare's hits were landing. The fight goes the distance, but it looks like a unanimous decision for Khare.

Winner: Michelle Khare (Unanimous Decision)

Leonheart vs. Ethan "CrankGameplays" Nestor

Leonhart has Grass and Fire type Pokémon boots, and Fighting type rope, so its no surprise he comes the Pokémon animated series theme (sung by the original vocalist Jason Paige?!). The crowd is massively behind Ethan Nestor, The Soft Boy.

Looks like we'll get another technical fight. Leonhart very stiff, and Ethan very low. Some good hits from both fights, but they're taking it safe. Round two, Leonhart take a hit in the back of his head, and goes down, so doesn't count as a knockdown. Despite being the bigger guys, Ethan has more fight and aggression.

Right at the opening of the third round, Ethan came out, popped Leonhart, and knocked him down, popping his nose. With that, they called the match. A brutal TKO.

Winner: Ethan Nestor (TKO)

Co-Main Event: John Ranadall Hennigan vs. Harley Morenstein

(Image via Creator Clash)
(Image via Creator Clash)

At the first Creator Clash, Harley dressed as Big Boss. Now he's Solid Snake. At a combined 80 years old, this is the oldest match on the card.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan (A wrestler from the 80's) comes out and yells, and John Ranadall Hennigan comes with out Josh Barnet. What an entrance. Harley comes out to the Man who Sold the World by David Bowie again, but made the entrance from the crowd, walking down the steps rather than the entrance. Real pro wrestling stuff (Except wrestling crowds aren't this fanatical anymore).

Harley trying to use his distance, but John able to manage the big man. This might be the first time Harley has had someone who isn't afraid to go in and fight him. And Hennigan grabs the clinch and moves Harley around when he wants. And Harley falls out the ring to end the round!

Huge pressure from John, Harley trying to push him off, what a fight. And John Hennigan gets the knockdown but Harley is still going. Morenstein seems to be turning this into a bit of wrestling match. But Harley survives the round. And John's corner tells him to slow down.

Round three starts with a flurry of blows from John Ranadall Hennigan, and Harley goes down. A huge heavyweight TKO. What a killer instinct from The Mayor of Slamtown.

Winner: John Ranadall Hennigan (TKO)

Hennigan calls out Jake and Logan Paul, and challenges KSI. Harley calls out John to wrestle him in a wrestling ring. John says book it.

Creator Clash Main Event: Alex Wassabi vs. iDubbbz

This is apparently an officially sanctioned fight, with heavier, 10oz gloves. iDubbbz is dressed as Tingle. Alex Wassabi comes out to Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney. Big build for iDubbbz entrance who walks out to a Reeses Puff's song mashup, dancing his way down ramp, playing to the crowd.

Super Mega "performed" the US National Anthem. It was a totally respectable, legitimate performance, they definitely took super seriously. Matt Watson ripped open his chest to reveal a gory Star Spangled Banner under his skin.

As round one starts, iDubbbz and Alex start by feeling out each other's range. Ian's footwork was very good, but Alex was able to land some big shots. But it almost doesn't look like Ian has the killer instinct compared to Alex.

Ian comes out firing in round two, landing some great shots. But Alex kept the pressure up, and brought the round back in his favor.

Round three, Alex was starting to get tired, while Ian was finally seemingly in the driving seat. But still, it looks like Alex's round.

Round four, some brutal shots from Alex, really, baiting Ian. A brutal set of counters, really punishing Ian having to try and win the fight. I think it's going to Alex after just landing better shots. Incredible chin from iDubbbz though, not going down at all!

Winner: Alex Wassabi (Majority Decision)

How to watch Creator Clash 2

Don't want to read about results and instead need to watch live? To watch the Creator Clash live, head over to Moment and purchase a ticket, where the event will be live streamed. Tickets cost $35, and give you access to the live show and replays of the event after the fact.

Stay tuned to for more influencer boxing coverage and results!