Shiny Galarian Birds are finally here in Pokémon GO.
The Galarian Expedition in Pokémon GO will finally introduce the Shiny Galarian birds into the game. The event will also introduce shiny Zamazenta into the game as well.
The Galarian Expedition event in Pokémon GO runs from Friday, October 4 until Friday, October 11. The event will start at 10am local time, and end at 8pm local time.
Here's everything waiting for you when this event gets under way.
Shiny Galarian birds to debut in Pokémon GO
At long last! For the first time in Pokémon GO, you’ll be able to encounter Shiny Galarian Articuno, Shiny Galarian Zapdos, and Shiny Galarian Moltres if luck is on your side. There is also going to be a reshuffle of what Pokémon can appear when using Daily Adventure Incense. This will start when this event begins, but will be a permanent change.

Galarian Expedition Pokémon GO Wild Spawns
The following Pokémon will appear more frequently in the wild.
- Nidoran♂*
- Nidoran♀*
- Abra*
- Magnemite*
- Wailmer*
- Spheal*
- Aron*
- Beldum*
- Shinx*
- Foongus*
- Dedenne*
- Wooloo*
Some Trainers might even encounter the following!
- Chansey*
- Absol*
- Emolga*
Keep your eye out for Foongus during this event. This Pokémon gives you extra Stardust when caught. This will also be the first time Shinx has spawned in the wild for some time.
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Galarian Expedition Pokémon GO Raids
There will only be one special event themed Raid Pokémon during this event, but its a good one. Zamazenta will finally be avaliable in the shiny form. This isn't just a shiny debut in Pokémon GO, but a debut across ANY Pokémon game to date.
Masterwork Research: Master Ball
Masterwork Research will be available to purchase for US$7.99 (or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency) during the event.
Complete the Masterwork Research tasks to receive the following.
- One Master Ball
- 18,000 XP
- 10,000 Stardust
- Encounters with event-themed Pokémon such as Galarian Farfetch’d and Galarian Mr. Mime
- And more!
This jam packed event is rounded out with Collection Challenges, special event themed Field Research tasks and PokéStop Showcases. This is a very exciting event, so get out there Trainers!
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