Here’s a first look at their abilities.
During BlizzCon 2023, the Overwatch 2 team revealed that there will be three new heroes arriving in 2024. Overwatch 2 will get a tank, damage, and support hero. The team did not reveal the actual names of the tank and support heroes, but they did say that the upcoming damage hero is Venture. Read on for a first look at Overwatch 2 Venture's gameplay and abilities.

Overwatch 2 Venture gameplay
On the BlizzCon 2023 stage, Overwatch 2 game director Aaron Keller shared some early gameplay footage of Venture. He noted that the footage is from a playtest. The video showed Venture borrowing underground to get from one location to another.

Overwatch 2 Venture abilities
Keller also said that Venture can burst out from the ground and deal additional damage. Other things to note include Venture's vertical mobility, weapon that shoots a projectile out a set distance, and their dash.

"The dig also — the most important part of this is it makes you invulnerable," Keller added. "So it's like you can't be hit when you're underground. It's a great way to escape. It's also a great way to get in close to players. You pop up like that."

Keller described the flexibility of Venture's dash as well. "And then you have a dash as well. So the dash — you can do it in the air, you can dash underground, if you want to, when you're moving. It's all around just a really, really fun kit to use," he said.
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Overwatch 2 Venture uses they/them pronouns
Throughout the presentation, Keller used they/them pronouns for Venture. A post on social media by Overwatch 2 technical artist Ana Martínez noted this as well.
"Venture's pronouns are they/them," Martínez wrote in response to a question.
This means that in addition to Venture, other LGBTQ+ heroes in Overwatch 2 include Tracer, Soldier: 76, Lifeweaver, Pharah, and Baptiste.
That's all for now. Stay tuned on for more news and updates!