Overwatch 2 reduces Quick Play leaver penalty

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

Here’s the latest on Quick Play mode in Overwatch 2.

Overwatch 2 has reduced the leaver penalty for its Quick Play game mode. Read on for the updated Overwatch 2 Quick Play leaver penalty details.

Screenshot of the Overwatch 2 Quick Play menu (Image via esports.gg)
Screenshot of the Overwatch 2 Quick Play menu (Image via esports.gg)

Overwatch 2 Quick Play leaver penalty

  1. 2-minute suspension = If you leave 2 to 3 games out of 20
  2. 10-minute suspension = If you leave 4 to 5 games out of 20
  3. 2-hour suspension = If you leave 6 to 9 games out of 20
  4. 48-hour suspension = If you leave 10 or more games out of 20
Overwatch 2 Quick Play leaver penalty screencap (Image via esports.gg)
Overwatch 2 Quick Play leaver penalty screencap (Image via esports.gg)

The reduced Quick Play leaver penalty times apply to those who leave between two to nine games. Meanwhile, players can still receive a two-day suspension if they leave 10 or more games out of their last 20 games played, according to Blizzard community manager Kaedi.

Original Quick Play leaver penalties (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Original Quick Play leaver penalties (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Overwatch 2 Quick Play leavers update

Games Left
New Suspension Duration
Previous Suspension Duration
2 to 32 minutes5 minutes
4 to 510 minutes20 minutes
6 to 92 hours4 hours
10 or more48 hours48 hours

"Our goal is to adjust our queue suspension times to not be as impactful for those who may leave for reasons beyond their control, while still staying firm on those who are deliberately leaving multiple games," Kaedi explained. The post also noted that the newest update doesn't affect leaver penalties for leaving Competitive Play matches.

Graphic featuring D.Va for the Overwatch 2 Defense Matrix initiative (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Graphic featuring D.Va for the Overwatch 2 Defense Matrix initiative (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Defense Matrix updates

In terms of other changes that aim to make Overwatch 2 a better experience for everyone, they include updates to streamer mode, the ability to avoid more teammates, the mitigation of disruptive chat, faster reporting, player surveys, and more.

That's all for now. Stick around on esports.gg for more news and updates!