Mei has been removed from Overwatch 2 thanks to a game-breaking bug that allows her to use her Ice Wall to reach unexpected spots on the map.

Another hero is being added to the growing list of temporarily removed things in Overwatch 2. Mei has now joined Bastion, Torbjorn, and the Junker Town on this list thanks to a game-breaking bug with her ability kit.

A bug with Mei's Ice Wall allowed heroes to reach "unintended locations," according to Blizzard's official Twitter account.

This is reminiscent of when the Florida Mayhem used Mei's Ice Wall during a professional game on Circuit Royal to create a solid surface on a rooftop, allowing Symmetra to place her Teleporter there. The team then bypassed the usual route, which included a tough checkpoint.

At the time, the play was considered an "exploit," although Overwatch League fans didn't want Florida Mayhem to be punished for such a creative strategy.

Mei removed from Overwatch 2 for Ice Wall exploit

This time, however, Overwatch 2 players are just frustrated at the state of Mei's kit along with many other bugs in the sequel.

Mei will return on November 15 after Overwatch 2 devs work on addressing these issues. This means Mei will be removed for two weeks or so.

Meanwhile, Bastion was removed from all games modes for 15 days. Torbjorn was removed from competitive but remained in Quick Play. Both were brought back into the game on October 25 after the bugs were fixed.

But more heroes may be removed in the near future. Brigitte currently has a bug that makes her shield indestructible. Overwatch players have also discovered some concerning bugs with new hero Kiriko. Blizzard hasn't made any official statements about these support heroes just yet, but players are getting frustrated at the amount of bugs in the game as well as the removal of multiple heroes from the roster.