Pine sits down with Will English IV to talk about the 2021 Overwatch League Playoffs with the Dallas Fuel, his expectations, and personal goals

Pine was once retired after two seasons with the NYXL. Earlier this year, Pine came out of retirement and joined the Dallas Fuel. However, for the regular season, Pine had to deal with Visa issues and could not join the team in Dallas. Those issues have since been resolved, and Pine is eligible for the Playoffs with the Dallas Fuel as they head to Hawaii. has spoken with Pine before shortly after his roster announcement for the Dallas Fuel, but now I get to ask him about his expectations going into the playoffs this year with a different team, and what that means for him as a player in the Overwatch League. Interviews Pine, DPS Player from the Dallas Fuel about the 2021 Overwatch League Playoffs

Please note: This interview was done through an interpreter, and some of this transcript has been edited to reflect a conversation between Will and Pine.

Will English IV, Correspondent: Okay, Pine, first question. How do you feel about going into the Playoffs? Specifically, this being your first time with the Dallas Fuel?

Do-hyeon "Pine" Kim via Interpreter: The team is thoroughly preparing for the playoffs. And I feel pretty good about it.

English: Awesome, that is great to hear.  Since you did not get a chance to play during the regular season for the Dallas Fuel, do you feel confident practicing with the team going into the Playoffs?

Pine: I feel like I have joined quite late. I was able to practice with the team, but I feel like I am not 100% up to speed yet with the team.

English: Well, I’m sure you’ll do great in the Playoffs. How do you feel about the announcement from the Overwatch League about the move to Overwatch 2?

Please note that Will took this interview before the Overwatch League announced they would be doing an exhibition match on Overwatch 2 during the Grand Finals of the Overwatch League on September 25th. Also, it has been confirmed that the next season of the Overwatch League will run on an early build of Overwatch 2.

Pine: I’m not a huge fan of the change to 5v5.  To be honest, I feel most of the changes made for Overwatch 2 were in response to difficulty balancing the game.

I do agree every player’s goal is to win everything!  Since I joined the team a little late, I want to put in as much effort as possible in the tournament. I don’t want to become lazy as I was in Season 2 with NYXL. My personal goal is to be better than I was before, all the way to the end.

Pine talks about his personal goals for the Overwatch League 2021 Playoffs

English: Yeah, we will see more Overwatch 2 information as time goes on. Moving on to you personally, Pine, What is it like coming back to the Overwatch League after your retirement, being inactive for so long and now on a Playoffs bound Dallas Fuel team. Considering this is Dallas Fuel’s first postseason appearance, I know this is essential for the franchise.

Pine: So the Dallas Fuel went through all four regional tournaments without using a hitscan. I’m sure that the Playoffs matter more than ever. So, I feel like our team will be very careful about what Heroes we play during the tournament.

English: Do you have any goals for the Playoffs yourself? Of course, winning the entire tournament should be everyone’s goal but do you have something personal you want to achieve?

Pine: I do agree every player’s goal is to win everything!  Since I joined the team a little late, I want to put in as much effort as possible in the tournament. I don’t want to become lazy as I was in Season 2 with NYXL. My personal goal is to be better than I was before, all the way to the end.

English: That’s amazing. One last question! Do you have anything to say to the fans out there watching you during the Playoffs?

Pine: The only thing that I can say is thank you so much! And thank you for waiting for me.

English: Indeed. Thank you. Thank you for your time today, Pine, and good luck in the Playoffs!

Be sure to check out all of our Overwatch League coverage, including an interview with the Philadelphia Fusion and their miracle run back into the playoffs.