What is Aim Smoothing in Overwatch 2 and how to turn it off



Here’s how to change the Aim Assist setting in Overwatch 2.

As is the case with any FPS game, Overwatch 2 also has a way of helping newer players. In this case, new players can take advantage of a feature called Aim Smoothing, which makes the game's movements easier to understand. But what’s helpful for new players might not be so useful for more experienced ones. Here’s what we know about Aim Smoothing in Overwatch 2, including how to turn it off and improve your aim.

What is Aim Smoothing in Overwatch?

Aim smoothing is a unique feature in Overwatch 2 that smoothens the player input. It is primarily aimed at new players who adjust to the game by smoothing the movement features while aiming. 

While the primary objective of Aim Smoothing in Overwatch is to make the game more welcoming to new players, it can prove to be an obstacle for more experienced players. For players who don't need to adjust to Overwatch 2, Aim Smoothing will only serve to impact their gameplay in a negative way. Here’s how to turn off Aim Smoothing in Overwatch 2.

How to turn off Aim Smoothing in Overwatch?

Go through the following steps to turn off Aim Smoothing in Overwatch 2:

  1. Go to the Game Options
  2. Click on Controls
  3. Go to the General Tab
  4. In the settings, go to the Controller Section
  5. Expand the Advanced option
  6. Set the Aim Smoothing setting to 0%
You can find the setting as a scroll wheel that can range from 0 to 100. (Image Credit: Esports.gg)
You can find the setting as a scroll wheel that can range from 0 to 100. (Image Credit: Esports.gg)

Dial down the Aim Smoothing setting all the way down to 0 if you are comfortable with your movement in Overwatch 2. 

Enable High-Precision Mouse movement

Sometimes players might not be content just by turning off the Aim Smoothing in Overwatch 2. If you feel your aim is still off-target, you can turn on the High Precision Mouse Input, which will significantly improve your input.

  1. Go to the Game Options
  2. Click on Gameplay Tab
  3. Go to the General Tab in the left sidebar
  4. Turn on "Enable High Precision Mouse Input" in the Miscellaneous settings (should be at the end of the page)
The Enable High Precision Mouse Input is at the bottom of the General Settings in Gameplay. (Image Credit: Esports.gg)
The Enable High Precision Mouse Input is at the bottom of the General Settings in Gameplay. (Image Credit: Esports.gg)

With the High Precision Mouse Input turned on, players can track their movements more accurately. Feel free to customize either setting to ensure you get optimal performance based on your hardware and system requirements.

And what better way to test these new, smoother imputs, than with Overwatch's latest hero, Lifeweaver, a new hero from Thailand with flora-manipulating abilities.

Stay tuned to esports.gg for the latest Overwatch 2 news and updates.