RED Canids secure victory over PSG after a deathless series on their side.

RED Canids secured the first upset of MSI 2022 after defeating PSG Talon in the closing game of Day 1. The CBLOL representatives went in with a Wukong, Zoey, Jhin, Leona and Gwen composition.

After two defeats for Wukong in earlier games, many expected the same to happen in this game. However, RED Canids' Gabriel "Aegis" Vinicius Saes de Lemos showed everyone how good the champion can be at the MSI 2022.The jungler ended the game with a 6/0/4 KDA as PSG could not come up with a way to stop him.

A deathless series from RED Canids

Not known for their early game prowess, RED began their first MSI 2022 series looking like a completely different team. The early top lane pressure worked in their favor as they secured a kill onto Su "Hanabi" Chia-Hsiang. They continued to control the pace of the game, taking down PSG's inner turrets with three more kills to their name.

After a very brilliant Wukong and Leona combination from RED in the mid lane, they stopped PSG from getting another dragon.

RED rode on their early game momentum and secured the baron they needed to end the game. They closed out the series in the 27th minute with a 12,000 gold lead, 13 kills and no deaths on any of their players.

While RED Canids still have a long way to go at the MSI 2022, their obliteration of PSG is a good sign for the region. PSG and DFM have been the stronger wild card teams in recent events and many predicted for it to continue that way.

However, RED's display against PSG blows the battle for second place in Group B wide open. Both teams will return to the rift tomorrow as RED Canids take on Istanbul Wild Cats while PSG face MSI favorites, Royal Never Give Up.

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