PSG Hanabi: “After game one where RED smashed us, there has been a lot of pressure on my shoulders, for some of my teammates this is their first international tournament”

Jordan Marney

Jordan Marney

Following their opening day of MSI 2022 rumble stage, PSG Hanabi sat down with us for an exclusive.

PSG Talon is off to a decent start in the 2022 Mid-Season Invitational Rumble Stage. The PCS champions went 1-1, taking down Saigon Buffalo before losing to T1. Following their final game of the day, PSG's Su "Hanabi" Chia-Hsiang sat down with's Marn for an exclusive interview.

Marn: Hanabi, thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me today. You guys went 1-1 on the day, how would you analyse your team's performance?

Hanabi: So in both games today we really made so many mistakes at several points in the game. I hope we can fix them and try to make some improvements on those parts and I hope we can have an even better performance tomorrow

Marn: I am sure you guys will turn it around, moving briefly into game one. You had it in the bag it seemed like with a strong early game, only to see SGB start to turn it around, what happened on your guy's end?

Hanabi: So I believe it was when I got solo killed in the top lane, and when that happens it is not good. Top laners are good at applying pressure in the side lane and the enemy Irelia was super strong.

Marn: In game two against T1, you guys were able to match them for kills early but struggled to play the map, despite matching the kills what went wrong from a macro point of view?

Hanabi: So based on our draft we really needed to make a lot of team fights, but T1 did a great job in poking us, meaning we could not engage on them because of our health.

Marn: PSG is a team from the PCS that has done very well internationally, you guys reached the semi-finals in this tournament last year, how confident are you about your chances of replicating those results?

PSG Hanabi: "I think our chances of making the semi-final aren't that high because of the mistakes we are making. Our chances of qualifying will be higher if we can fix the mistakes we have been making. "

Hanabi: I think our chances of making the semi-final aren't that high because of the mistakes we are making. Our chances of qualifying will be higher if we can fix the mistakes we have been making.

Marn: That is fair enough, so if you were to qualify, that would mean once again likely eliminating one of the major regions, who would be that team that misses out?

Hanabi: After today's games I feel G2, T1 and RNG are definitely the strongest teams at the tournament. So EG from the LCS would be the team in danger I say.

Marn: So moving back towards PSG, you guys had a slower start than many expected, what would you attribute that slow start to?

Hanabi: So I think it came after game one, where RED smashed us, there has been a lot of pressure on my shoulders because, for some of my teammates, this is their first international tournament.

Marn: I respect the responsibility you are taking as a veteran. Final question, do you have anything you would like to say to your fans?

Hanabi: So in today's match against T1 I played really poorly. So I hope I can make improvements to show an even better performance in the future. I am going to try my best to have a good performance.

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