Mad Lions at MSI are currently undefeated after defeating the fastPay Wildcats. The LEC representatives are now 2-0 and leading Group B.

Mad Lions at MSI are currently undefeated after defeating the fastPay Wildcats. The LEC representatives are now 2-0 and leading Group B.

The LEC representatives are off to a promising start after garnering wins against PSG.Talon and now fastPay Wildcats. While entering the group as perennial favorites, MAD Lions are looking for redemption. After failing to make it out of the play-in stage at the 2020 LoL World Championships, MAD are sitting pretty. Now, the Overactive Media owned LoL team are favorites to make it to the Rumble Stage.

As for the fastPay Wildcats, their start to MSI is not as pretty. The TCL representatives currently sit at 0-2 and will need a win against PSG Talon to stay competitive. However, their winless record is not an indication of their performance at MSI. While last, their game against MAD Lions at MSI was a near upset that could’ve put them at 1-1.

MAD Lions at MSI Get First Blood Onto Carzzy

The story of the game revolves around the two AD Carries HolyPhoenix and Carzzy. MAD Lions were able to grab first blood for their AD Carry, simultaneously setting back HolyPhoenix. Carzzy was able to start building a snowball lead, while MAD continued to funnel kills onto his Kai’sa. However, the TCL AD Carry did not relent after farming his way back into the game against the LEC side. 

This relentlessness is what ultimately keeps the game from snowballing for the LEC representatives as the lead remains stagnant.

IW Nearly Comeback Against MAD At MSI

While MAD Lions display a stronger early game, fastPay Wildcats are showing promise as a mid-late game team. They found a pick onto Kaiser’s Nautilus, resulting in a mid nexus push. 

However, hesitation from the Wildcats side to close on that mid nexus push is what stops the momentum. Instead, they choose to take a safer path and opt for the Infernal Drake. This results in MAD gaining priority over the Baron and ultimately making a final push for the Wildcats nexus.

In the final stand to defend their nexus, HolyPhoenix nearly takes down the entirety of MAD Lions before being killed. Thus, resulting in a heartbreaking loss for the TCL side and a sigh of relief for MAD Lions.

Battle of AD Carries

This game will be known as a duel between both teams' marksmen. Even after getting an early kill onto HolyPhoenix, the two still battled it out. Holyphoenix is showing good awareness and adaptation to the early game as a botlaner, which is why this game is close.

MAD Lions are in a very nice position while fastPay Wildcats are in underdog mode. For MAD Lions, a win against PAIN Gaming will place them 3-0 heading into the Group B megaday on May 10. As for the TCL side, they will need to bounce back from this close game to vye for that second place spot out of Group B. They will also need to clean up their objective rotations after losing momentum following a MAD Lions baron play. 

Still, Group B is the group of life. It will be interesting to see how this group continues to formulate and if an upset is on the horizon. Or if it will be a redemption story for MAD Lions at MSI 2021.

Mad Lions at MSI will play one more game against PAIN Gaming tomorrow May 8 before their Group B megaday on May 10. 
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