The LCS Championship returns this week with the start of the lower bracket. First up, Immortals and Dignitas will be going head-to-head, who will win?

The 2021 LCS Championship has already brought a ton of entertainment. Immortals put on an impressive display as they swept Dignitas 3-0 to move onto round two of the lower bracket. Immortals must now await the winner of tournament favorites TSM or Team Liquid.

Game one: Immortals managed the game well

The first fifteen minutes of the game was pretty even, Dignitas was able to secure the first blood. From this first blood, Dignitas had a slight lead moving into the mid-game. Immortals were able to gain pressure in the bottom lane through their flexing of Syndra which allowed IMT to secure an early dragon.

Despite having the gold lead, Dignitas was falling behind in the neutral objectives. Come 18 minutes IMT had two dragons, and with it being infernal soul, the drake battles were of higher value. The game's first major fight came shortly after, with IMT securing an ace. IMT's decision to stack drakes had started to pay off.

From that fight onwards Immortals had full control of the game. IMT was able to secure the baron, and with that buff were able to take game one of this LCS Championship series. This was a big game for Raes who had an impressive Syndra game. Having picks that can be flexed gives them the edge in the draft moving forward onto game two.

Game two: Immortals was the only team playing

Immortals could not have gotten off to a better start. Insanity was able to link up with his bottom lane to secure first blood onto the weakened DIG bottom lane. This kill was important for Immortals as they were also able to secure the first dragon of the game.

The early game was all Immortals, they already had winning lanes across the board and their lead was expanding beyond repair. Revenge, who was left on the island as Tahm Kench even got a solo kill onto Mordekaiser. Once again Immortals got out to an early dragon lead at 2-0. However, this game was slightly different as they also had the gold lead.

Despite DIG's best efforts, it was simply not enough, Immortals had just shy of a 5k gold lead come 15 minutes. A lead that Dignitas would not be able to recover from. Immortals had the kills, the gold lead, and a firm path to taking a 2-0 lead in this series. A 21-minute baron was the nail in the coffin of Dignitas this game. Despite a couple of solid engages from Dignitas, it was not enough as Immortals pushed forward for the win.

Game three: Immortals slam door on DIG aggression

This was the start Dignitas fans had been waiting to see. In what was an insanely chaotic fight, Dignitas ended up getting four kills at the start of the game. That lead, however, was sadly short-lived for Dignitas. Immortals around the ninth minute were able to catch two quick kills in both the mid lane and the bottom lane. These kills evened up the gold lead while also putting IMT slightly ahead.

For the third game in a row, Immortals was able to secure the first dragon. Dignitas's strongest area of the map is their bottom lane. Immortals have done a great job keeping them at bay, allowing them to control the dragons. Come the 20-minute mark Immortals had just shy a 3.5k gold lead.

This game was the closest Dignitas had been throughout any point in the series. Dignitas come 25 minutes had a drake lead, as well as chipping away at the gold lead to 2.5k. If Dignitas were to win this game, it would be through the team fight potential of Aphelios and Thresh who was their best hope for winning this game.

Despite Dignitas picking off Insanity, they failed to secure the baron with Xerxe picking up the steal in a 4v5. This was well and truly the final nail in the Dignitas coffin. Immortals were able to take the baron, take the nexus and take the 3-0 sweep. Immortals will now await the loser of Team Liquid vs TSM in the LCS Championship.

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