Following their opening game of the week against 100 Thieves, the press had the chance to sit down with GGS’s Ablazeolive.

The 2022 LCS spring split regular season is almost at its end. Golden Guardians have lost their last four games and are in danger of missing the six-team playoffs. Following their opening day loss to 100 Thieves, GGS Ablazeolive spoke to the press about an array of topics.

The rise of Kai'Sa in the mid lane

Given the current state of the mid lane, there is no surprise AD Carries are starting to make their way to the lane once again. One pick that is growing in popularity is Kai'Sa mid. The void marksmen have been starting to gain some traction in the mid lane. Most notably when Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok debuted the champion in a best-of-three against KDF.

Kai'Sa has been growing in popularity due to her strong AP build. Her two-item power spike of Muramana and Luden's Tempest makes her very strong against teams that suffer from a lack of engage and hard CC. With the mid lane meta primarily being scaling champions who do not want to accelerate early, this gives Kai'Sa the breathing room to farm up and get strong come to the two-item mark.

When asked about Kai'Sa in the mid lane, Ablazeolive believes in the right environment, there is room for Kai'Sa to be in the mid lane.

I definitely think it has a time and place. The reason most ad carries can't be played mid is that their matchups into mages aren't very good. I don't think Kaisa is an exception to that rule. I do think Kaisa has a lot of benefit when you get to that two item spike with muramana and ludens, similar to Corki. But you have to be playing it to the right lane. And it's definitely not something that's going to do a tone in the early game, it definitely needs more setup.

What Ablazeolive would change about Champions queue

The second split for LCS's Champions Queue is well underway. There has been some friction amongst the players, specifically Olleh who has voiced his frustrations over the mode. Although Champions Queue does offer a low ping solo queue experience for professionals, it seems there are still some kinks for Riot to iron out.

When asked by the press, GGS Ablazeolive would like to see every player get a ban as opposed to the traditional competitive ban system which is currently in place in the tournament realm.

I think maybe the only thing I would want to try out at least is instead of it being tournament draft, it being like draft mode.the way soloqueue basically works for everyone gets one ban, I would like it to be like that. What tends to happen is the drafts get really stale, and like the same thing happens over and over again. And I think that can be much more easily avoided if everyone just gets thrown in.

GGS Ablazeolive looking towards playoffs

Image Credit: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">Riot Games</a>.
Image Credit: Riot Games.

One of the key problems that have been holding GGS back is their ability to close out games from ahead. One that will stick out like a sore thumb is their recent defeat to TSM. Where GGS were in a position to win before one wrong team fight sent the game in TSM's favor.

Looking ahead, GGS will have to perform well if they are to qualify for the playoffs. GGS faces stiff competition from the likes of Team Liquid, 100 Thieves and Evil Geniuses. Although the schedule is tough, their destiny is in their own hands as they face opposition they can directly knock out of the top six.

Ablazeolive and Golden Guardians are fully aware of their issues coming into the final two weeks of the regular season.

I think our game today show that we definitely have the capability to contend with these top teams and even make them look like they just got destroyed. But we just have to work on closing. That's something that has shown throughout the entire split. And I think if we play our game, like we play today, play aggressive and get those early leads, then it shouldn't be a problem for us make playoffs.

The LCS returns this weekend with Immortals taking on third place 100 Thieves.

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