Aurelion Sol’s rework has a few issues, and Nigma Galaxy’s jungler Pabu showed them off, replicating an bug with his ult.

It's been less than a week since Aurelion Sol rework that saw his abilities and ult completely reimagined was released, but and it seems like the League of Legend’s space dragon could have used a bit longer on the workbench. 

There’s been a multitude of balance issues with the new version of Aurelion Sol, but now it seems his ultimate, and some of his other abilities are game-breakingly bugged. This broken interaction was showcased by Nigma Galaxy jungler Jackson "Pabu" Pavone in a video on Twitter.

Pabu, the Australian player perhaps best known for his time on Pentanet.GG during their MSI 2021 run, showed off a major bug with Aurelion Sol. Essentially, if you’re fast enough with your fingers, you can press R, have it cast, press W, and recast R before it goes on cooldown. This essentially means you get two casts of Aurelion Sol’s ult for the price of one.

What’s more, this bug is so simple to exploit, you can essentially just spam R, W, R, and replicate it. We launched League of Legends and were able to replicate it in just a few seconds (it took longer for the map to load). 

Is Aurelion Sol going to be disabled or hotfixed again?

(Image via Riot Games)
(Image via Riot Games)

At this point, after hotfix nerfs, and now a pretty exploitable bug discovered on the weekend, it’s safe to say that this Aurelion Sol rework hasn’t gone too well.

One defense of Aurelion Sol might be that damage from the ult doesn’t double up or stack. So essentially, you’re not able to use it to melt opponents, just widen the area of effect of the spell. But Pabu also showed off a non-damaging exploit where you could spam the dragon’s Q and reset it without casting the ability. This one is a little harder to pull off, but not an all too different skill from laugh spamming BM. 

We predict that Aurelion Sol is going to need a few more hotfixes before he’s playable. And even then, it might be a long while before he’s unleashed on competitive. 

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