Arcane has many characters who are playable in League of Legends. The series brought significant attention to the game.

The first act of Arcane Season 2 is coming to our screens on Nov. 9. The series is inspired by League of Legends, one of the most popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games. However, do you know which characters are actually playable in the game? Find out here!

Playable Arcane character in League of Legends: Singed

In Arcane, Singed is an alchemist working with Silco — a ruthless and brutal man who controls crime in Zaun and is also Jinx's adoptive father. Singed became obsessed with Chemtech, and one day, during an experiment, he blew up a Silco's warehouse. He went bald and his face was half burned — just like Singed in the game. This made people believe Riot was finally giving some background story to one of the most toxic champions in the game — literally.

Singed is the mad doctor working with Silco (Image via Netflix)
Singed is the mad doctor working with Silco (Image via Netflix)

In League of Legends, Singed is a top-laner with high mobility who haunts you throughout all lane phases. He's known for his great "proxy" potential, which is a tactic where champions farm before the minions reach the lane to prevent direct fights with another top-laner.

On the other side of the coin, this proxy strategy is hard to execute since it leaves him very vulnerable to the enemy jungler. Overall, his stun combo is hard for players to do correctly.


Heimerdinger is a yordle scientist and professor who is very well known in Piltover for his amazing innovations. He's the head of the council, and he dedicates his time to helping young scientists understand the dangerous relationship between science and magic. In the game, Heimerdinger plays in various positions (top, mid, and support) alongside his turrets.

Heimerdinger is a key character in Arcane (Image via Netflix)
Heimerdinger is a key character in Arcane (Image via Netflix)

Heimerdinger is known for his constant in-lane pressure due to his turrets. He makes ganks more difficult for enemy junglers.

However, he can't engage in fights — he must let the enemy come to him because of his kit's characteristics. Without his turrets, he's very weak and vulnerable.

Playable Arcane character in League of Legends: Jayce

Jayce is a very successful scientist in Piltover. As one of Heimerdinger's students, he reached a high position in the scientific paradigm. However, when he tried to convince the Piltover's Council about his revolutionary work, he invoked fear among them in terms of the dangers of unchecked magic in the hands of those with no innate Arcane talent.

Jayce's nickname is "The Man of Progress" (Image via Netflix)
Jayce's nickname is "The Man of Progress" (Image via Netflix)

Jayce is a top and mid-laner known for his kill pressure. When he's in ranged form, he gains a lot of poke damage. Since his normal building consists of assassin items, he represents a threat to enemy carries.

Regardless, it's tough for a player to be impactful in matches, and that's why he's not popular in solo queue.


Caitlyn is a scion of the Kiramman Clan, which one of Piltover's ruling houses. Being very strong and athletic, Caitlyn joined Piltover's law enforcement to make a name for herself. She was also one of the few people who believed in Jayce's potential.

Caitlyn is very compassionate about her job (Image via Netflix)
Caitlyn is very compassionate about her job (Image via Netflix)

In League of Legends, Caitlyn is an ADC responsible for carrying the team with attack damage while playing in the bot lane. Caitlyn's kit is ranged, which means she puts out a lot of lane pressure. She is able to farm a lot of gold with turret plates.

However, her pressure can also make her vulnerable to enemy ganks, and like any ADC in the game, she does not build life items, which makes her weaker and easier to kill.

Playable Arcane character in League of Legends: Ekko

Childhood friends of Vi and Powder (Jinx), Ekko is a Zaun genius inventor and the leader of Firelights. He suffered from a very hard childhood and his goal is now to take down Silco's criminal enterprise no matter what it takes. He wants to make his community safe again.

Heimerdinger helped Ekko after the bridge exposition caused by Jinx (Image via Netflix)
Heimerdinger helped Ekko after the bridge exposition caused by Jinx (Image via Netflix)

Ekko is a mid-laner and a jungler. One of his strong points is his ultimate that lets him come back to life after taking damage and almost dying. Besides that, he's a champion with a lot of mobility, movement speed, and dashes.

However, his stun ability is easy to divert. His ultimate is very strong, but it's difficult to execute since his hologram has to be well-positioned for "his second life" work.


Viktor, born in Zaun but living in Piltover, is a scientist and partner of Jayce. They worked together for a long time, but their differences grew too large. He wanted to improve Zaun people's lives with his inventions until he found out he was terminally ill. His ultimate goal became finding a cure.

Viktor was born with a problem in his leg that made him walk with a cane (Image via Netflix)
Viktor was born with a problem in his leg that made him walk with a cane (Image via Netflix)

Viktor is a mid-laner with a lot of bursts, range, and area of effect (AOE) damage.

Nevertheless, Viktor has low mobility, and his stun is very easy to dodge. His kit comes with a very unique characteristic — his passive. To upgrade his abilities, he has to collect 100 fragments per ability by killing minions, monsters, or securing assists or kills. This can make playing as Viktor quite challenging.

Playable Arcane character in League of Legends: Vi

Violet, known as only Vi, is a Zaun vigilante and Jinx's older sister. From a young age, she was surrounded by boys and quickly learned to fight, becoming very good at it. The death of her parents by Piltover's law enforcement fueled her deep resentment toward the city and its people. She was adopted by Vander, a bartender she came to see as a father figure. He taught her many important values such as honesty and responsibility. He also taught her that violence wouldn't solve all of her problems.

Vi was very affected by Jinx's departure (Image via Netflix)
Vi was very affected by Jinx's departure (Image via Netflix)

Vi is a well-known jungler in competitive League of Legends. Her ultimate can counter champions with high mobility since it is point-and-click and renders Additionally, she has a versatile kit since she can either do an assassin or bruiser build.

Although she's a solid champion, she can easily die when using her ultimate in the middle of the enemy team, making her good bait but an easy target. She can also have a challenging early game if she gets invaded.


Powder was Jinx's childhood name before she was adopted by Silco. Growing up in the middle of crime and the chaos after leaving Vi and Vander, Jinx became a ruthless assassin. Struggling with her mental health, Jinx started to steal, vandalize, hurt people, and turn against Vi. She is also known for her jealousy of Caitlyn, who becomes a "friend" of Vi, leading to a dangerous obsession. Jinx is recognizable for her blue hair and graffiti.

Jinx had a troubled life in Zaun (Image via Netflix)
Jinx had a troubled life in Zaun (Image via Netflix)

Jinx is a bot-laner with a very strong passive: when she has a kill participation or kills, she gains movement speed and attack speed. She's a hyper carry, which means that if she can get strong early due to her scaling kit, she can carry her team easily. Her ultimate also has an unlimited range, which can be good for making cross-map plays.

Jinx is one of the characters who suffers from a weak lane phase. She's very dependent on her passive resets to be impactful during a fight.

Playable Arcane character in League of Legends: Warwick

lthough it's just a fan theory, the teasers for Arcane 2 support the (almost confirmed) idea that Vander, who died in the first season, became Warwick after undergoing experiments. The similarities between Vander's story and Warwick's lore in League of Legends have led fans to speculate since the first season that they are the same person. Let's see if Arcane 2 will confirm this theory!

Warwick is a beast born from scientific experiments (Image via Netflix)
Warwick is a beast born from scientific experiments (Image via Netflix)

Warwick has an amazing self-healing kit, which makes him very viable during fights. When his enemies are low in health, he can smell them, follow their trail, and pinpoint their position on the map. He gains move speed when this ability is activated. When he casts his ultimate ability, he's unstoppable.

However, Warwick is vulnerable to kites by ranged enemies.

"If you move as soon as your character finishes the active portion of the attack, you cancel the animation for the follow-through. what this means is you still get the same amount of attacks off, but spend more time moving since you're not waiting for the attack to stop," explained a Reddit user. Warwick also relies heavily on his ultimate to close the gap with his enemies and create plays.

That's all for now. Stick around for more news and updates on