Che0nsu achieved an epic reverse sweep, BunnyHoppor shared his thoughts on the Trio format, and Fled celebrated his victory and birthday with a “winning-flavored” cake!
Hearthstone Grandmasters 2022 Season 1 Week 2 crowned Cheonsu "che0nsu" Kim, Raphael "BunnyHoppor" Peltzer, and Davi "Fled" Garcia as its regional champions!
Unlike the previous week, the new Trio format was featured in the live broadcast. The Hearthstone Trio format allowed competitors to pick from a group of predetermined classes. Each player had to win with all three of their decks in best-of-five matches.

Cheonsu’s epic reverse sweep at Hearthstone Grandmasters
During the live broadcast, che0nsu fought against players such as Poramet "Bankyugi" Putchakarn, Yashina "Alutemu" Nozomi, and Manveer "Mighty" Singh.
This was che0nsu's lineup:
- Warrior: AAECAQcEju8Dpu8DmPYDv4AEDbXeA/7nA5LoA9XxA5X2A5b2A9D5A8/7A5yBBKaKBKyfBK2gBK+gBAA=
- Hunter: AAECAR8G9tYDj+MD5e8D/fgD25EEl6AEDLnQA/7RA43kA5boA9zqA9vtA/f4A6mfBKqfBLugBL+sBMGsBAA=
When it came down to the finals for Hearthstone Grandmasters Asia-Pacific, che0nsu kicked off the match with Quest Warrior against Mighty’s Quest Hunter. Leveraging the fewer activations required of Take the High Ground, Mighty quickly completed his questline and played aggressively. He won the first point thanks to Tavish, Master Marksman going face.
Mighty pulled into the lead in the next game as well, playing Ramp Druid against Quest Hunter and controlling the board in the late game. He earned another point after gaining board control with cards such as Raid Boss Onyxia, her 2/1 Onyxian Whelps, and Y'Shaarj, the Defiler.

However, che0nsu prevented a sweep in game three. In the Quest Warrior mirror match, Mighty began with strong tempo. Although Mighty completed part of his questline first, che0nsu persisted and played Rustrot Viper to destroy his opponent’s weapon. He gained a board advantage with minions and pushed damage to face.
Che0nsu then tied up the score in the next game using Quest Hunter against Quest Warrior. When it came down to the final game, it was che0nsu’s Kaz Token Druid versus Quest Warrior. Both players cleared each other’s board during the mid-game.
However, che0nsu gained board control and buffed his minions using cards like Arbor Up and Power of the Wild. Unable to clear the board, Mighty bowed out and che0nsu became the Hearthstone Grandmasters Week 2 champion!
BunnyHoppor shares thoughts on Trio format
As for Hearthstone Grandmasters Europe, BunnyHoppor went up against players such as Simone "Leta" Liguori and Jaromír "Jarla" Vyskočil before fighting Linh "Seiko" Nguyen in the finals.
These were BunnyHoppor's decks:
- Demon Hunter: AAECAea5Awi1yQPW0QPK3QOQ5AP39gON9wPQ+QOHiwQL3dMD+dUDx90D8+MDlegDwvEDifcDyIAEg58Etp8EtKAEAA==
- Warrior: AAECAQcGju8Dpu8DmPYD0PkDv4AEvIoEDLXeA/7nA5LoA9XxA5X2A5b2A5f2A8/7A5yBBKaKBK2gBK+gBAA=
When BunnyHoppor played Libram Paladin against Seiko’s Kaz Token Druid, he went 1-0. This was followed by another victory for BunnyHoppor in the Quest Warrior mirror match. Both players went into the late game with low hit points, and BunnyHoppor needed a playable pirate to finish up the game. Although he didn’t get one, he cleared the board and went face with his weapon. This paid off next turn as his opponent bowed out.

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In game three, Seiko prevented a clean sweep using Kaz Token Druid against BunnyHoppor’s Fel Demon Hunter. However, BunnyHoppor soon closed out Hearthstone Grandmasters Europe with a score of 3-1 after getting a Fel Demon Hunter victory against Quest Hunter.
After becoming the weekly regional champion, BunnyHoppor shared his thoughts about his mindset going into the tournament and the new Hearthstone Trio format.
I think, theoretically, this can work, but you need to up the buckets.
“You always try your best, so next week is another week. It's another format,” he said in the post-match interview. “I'll try my best. I mean, the expectations have changed, obviously, from last week. Last week, I was like, ‘Okay, this is it.’ I felt a bit down, but I'm gonna try my best and we'll see what happens.”
As for his thoughts on the Hearthstone Trio format, BunnyHoppor noted that it involved low decisions and obvious mana curves.
“I don't think that the decks that we played are representative of the skill of the players in these different leagues,” BunnyHoppor said during the Hearthstone Grandmasters interview.
He then explained how he had been very excited to potentially play out-of-the-box decks. However, the more he practiced, the more he didn’t enjoy it as much.
“I think, theoretically, this can work, but you need to up the buckets,” he said. “We have one good class, one middle, one bad. Just scrap the bad ones. No one wants to play them anyways. Just make us play three different sets of good classes.”

Fled celebrates victory with “winning-flavored” cake
As for Fled, he fought players such as Lucas "DimitriKazov" Funes and Jerome "Monsanto" Faucher before facing off against Pedro "Pascoa" Pasqualini de Andrade in the Hearthstone Grandmasters finals.
This was his lineup:
- Warrior: AAECAZfDAwSO7wOm7wOY9gO/gAQNtd4D/ucDkugD1fEDlfYDlvYDl/YD0PkDz/sDnIEEpooEraAEr6AEAA==
- Paladin: AAECAZ3DAwiEwQOT0AP76AOR7AOm7wPQ+QPZ+QPgiwQL/bgD6rkD67kD7LkDysEDlc0DwNEDzOsD8PYDjfgD+aQEAA==
The first game went to Fled thanks to his Quest Fel Demon Hunter deck against Shadow Priest. Next, Fled’s Quest Warrior deck defeated Pascoa’s Weapon Rogue. Fled had a strong board of minions in the mid-game while his opponent needed to clear the board and prevent lethal. Pascoa dug for Cloak of Shadows to no avail and bowed out.

In game three, it was Fled’s Libram Paladin against Mozaki Mage. While Fled had buffed minions on his side of the board, his opponent didn’t give up. Pascoa took some power off the board, managed to stay alive using Ice Barrier, and dropped down Mozaki, Master Duelist to gain spell damage. After drawing into enough spell cards and burn, Pascoa played Ignite for the overkill.
When it came down to game four in Hearthstone Grandmasters, Fled had to use his Libram Paladin deck again. This led to defeating his opponent’s Shadow Priest, which earned Fled a final score of 3-1.
After the match, Fled celebrated both his victory and birthday on the live broadcast. His family cheered and sang for him while he received a custom Hearthstone-themed cake from his mother.
When asked about the cake’s flavor, Fled said that it was “winning-flavored.”
Next week, Hearthstone Grandmasters will see the Last Hero Standing format in action, so stay tuned on for more news and updates.