Hearthstone gets Showdown in the Badlands theorycrafting event!

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

The Hearthstone Showdown in the Badlands theorycrafting event features new cards and unique decks! Here are the details plus some deck codes.

Hearthstone's Showdown in the Badlands theorycrafting event is showcasing new cards and decks ahead of the expansion's release date! Read on for details, how to unlock free card packs, and some Showdown in the Badlands deck codes.

Showdown in the Badlands theorycrafting screenshot (Image via esports.gg)
Showdown in the Badlands theorycrafting screenshot (Image via esports.gg)

Hearthstone Showdown in the Badlands theorycrafting schedule

Hearthstone content creators and invited guests are currently duking it out in the Showdown in the Badlands theorycrafting event. This event goes from Nov. 9 and Nov. 10, and every participant must showcase decks that have at least 10 cards from the new expansion.

Viewers can now visit Twitch and check out the new minions, spells, plus Quickdraw and Excavate keywords in action.

How to get free Showdown in the Badlands card packs

The theorycrafting event features Twitch drops as well, which means viewers can earn up to two Showdown in the Badlands card packs. According to Blizzard, these drops are enabled category-wide on Twitch from Nov. 9 at 9 a.m. PT to Nov. 10, 9 a.m. PT.

To catch your favorite streamers, be sure to tune in on time:

  • NA/LATAM/EMEA Players = Nov. 9 at 9 a.m. PT to 9 p.m. PT
  • APAC Players = Nov. 10 at 2 a.m. PT to 8 a.m. PT.

Some streamers are being featured on the game's official Twitch channel as well. This livestream goes from Nov. 9 at 9 a.m. PT to 5 p.m. PT.

Jarla livestreaming the theorycrafting event (Image via Jarla)
Jarla livestreaming the theorycrafting event (Image via Jarla)

Showdown in the Badlands deck codes

Here are some Showdown in the Badlands deck codes from the theorycrafting event. Additionally, players such as Jarla, lunaloveee, Dragonrider, and more are on Twitch and testing out their own builds.

  • Jarla's Rogue: AAECAaIHAvbdBMygBQ72nwT3nwT03QT13QT87QTBgwXdoAXfoAXgoAWQgwbKgwbIlAaNlgbrmAYAAA==
  • Jarla's Mage: AAECAd7JBij8ngTGoATcuQTa0ATx0wSp3gTb3gS87QSX7wSjkAWEkwWQlgWqmAWrmAWAwgWH5AWt7QXz8gWH9QXs9gXR+AXe+AXL/gXY/gXxgAbYgQbKgwaVhwahkgaDlQbWmAbZmwbymwbzmwb0mwb4mwaznAbRnAaxngavqAYAAAA=
  • Excavate Control Warrior: AAECAQcE784EpfYF2IEG95cGDYmgBI7UBLT4BbX4BZD7BaH7BaT7BYWCBsqDBtCDBpKOBsKRBouUBgAA
  • Excavate Control Warlock: AAECAf0GDJygBOWwBPXHBNSVBeKkBcKlBf3EBab7Bc6ABƟBBtCDBqeoBgnnoATI6wWt7QXxgAbKgwbYmAbvmwbPngb4owYAAQODoAT9xAWcoAT9xAW42QT9xAUAAA==
  • Elemental Shaman: AAECAaoIBLi0BMHQBebkBcCPBg3joASywQSVqgWWtwXf/gWwjQaKjwa+jwbDjwbslQb1mwbxnQbTngYAAA==
  • Excavate Bounce Rogue: AAECAaIHBMygBeKkBaGSBtCUBg32nwS3swT13QTfoAXfwwXI+wWh/AXKgwbQgwbJlAbKlAbCmgbZogYAAA==
  • Reno Elise Priest: AAECAa0GHqLoA62KBISfBPCfBKG2BKK2BKi2BPnbBLrcBIaDBe+RBYakBeCkBbvEBc/GBbvHBc/2Be33Bfv4BYeOBoaYBu+bBsOcBs6cBuWcBqOdBqadBvGdBrieBq+oBgAAAA==
  • Pure Holy Paladin: AAECAZ8FAobiBMDiBA7JoATavQS/4gSBlgWDlgXBxAXGxAWWjgaZjgbjjga8jwaOlQb1lQa1ngYAAA==
  • Excavate Big Spell Mage: AAECAf0EDOWwBL/OBKTvBOKkBf3EBebkBdCDBqGSBqmVBvebBrOcBoCfBgmZsASEkwXMkwWQgwbKgwaFjgbzmwb0mwbOnAYAAQO42QT9xAXz8gX9xAWVhwb9xAUAAA==
  • Small Beast Hunter: AAECAR8C57kE1/kFDqGfBKSgBIPIBInUBMDtBObKBZf2Bcj2BdL4BcuOBs2OBsmRBs6cBtOcBgAA
  • Dragon Druid: AAECAZICBLCKBOKkBebkBcGVBg2uwASywQSjkwWVqgX93wW7lQa8lQa9lQbvmwbXnAbYnAbanAbxnAYAAA==
  • Highlander Demon Hunter: AAECAea5Ax6DnwSzoAS0oATlsASIsgTHsgSWtwT5vwT+vwTu7QSk7wSkkgXipAX0yAXm5AXh+AX++AWogAbcggbIjwaJkAaNkAaPkAahkgbkmAbOnAaangaongbNngavqAYAAAA=
  • Frost Excavate Death Knight: AAECAfHhBASk7wTipAXLpQXt/wUN9eMEk+QEsvcEtvcEtIAFk4EFopkFyoMG0IMG9YwG85EGiJIGzpwGAAA=
Dragonrider playing Hearthstone on Twitch (Image via Dragonrider)
Dragonrider playing Hearthstone on Twitch (Image via Dragonrider)

That's all for now. Are you excited about the upcoming Showdown in the Badlands expansion? Stick around on esports.gg for more news and updates!