RedRush claims the top spot in EU FNCS Week 2. Tayson fails to qualify again. Plus Setty and Th0masHD fire shots and words.

Week 2 FNCS Qualifiers saw plenty of action, drama, and amazing plays. Three more trios locked their spots for the EU FNCS Grand Finals. A surprising trio of RedRush, Xsterioz, and Mappi finished on top. Unfortunately, several top contenders failed to reach the top 3 and qualify. The most notable player being TaySon. One week remains for trios to earn a direct Grand Finals qualification.

Behold the comeback of RedRush as his trio wins EU FNCS Week 2

Zygimantas "RedRush" Navickas has not won an event since squad FNCS in December 2019. Over a year the player continued to work and improve to get back to where he was. He qualified for two FNCS Grand Finals along the way, but failed to record meaningful placements. Now, RedRush is back! His trio consists of "LootBoy Xsterioz" and "Mappi." Two players also looking to prove themselves in the crowded Fortnite scene.

The trio came into this week after narrowly missing out on last week's Round 4. They placed poorly in the Trio Cash Cup leading up to Week 2 of FNCS. Something changed on Sunday. The trio played incredibly well during the final round of the tournament. Although they are not known for their ability to eliminate players, the trio secured the most elimination in the final round. An impressive feat considering the quality of competitions they faced.

Not only did the trio drop a ton of eliminations, but they also secured the elusive Victory Royale in their fifth match. The trio claimed high ground as moving zones began. RedRush, Xsterioz, and Mappi rained fire down below. As the zones moved, the trio's elimination count rose. They saw resistance on their way to victory. That last win ultimately sealed the first-place finish.

TaySon, Veno, and Rezon fall just short for the second straight week

Last week, Tai “Guild TaySon” Starčič, “Glorious Veno,” and “Rezon” finished in fourth place, one short of a Grand Finals qualification. TaySon delivered amazing plays, but the trio still needed a few more points. This week, the trio stumbled once again.

The trio won the first match in Week 2. They left no openings as the trio took and dominated the high ground position. Once TaySon, Rezon, and Veno claim height, the Victory Royale is all but a given. They walked through the end game and pressured everyone below. No trios delivered a challenge. This put TaySon, Rezon, and Veno in the lead to start the day.

As the games continued, TaySon, Rezon, and Veno faded. They only earned one more placement within the top 10 and fell in 20th in the final match. Yet again, they placed outside of the Top 3 and look towards Week 3. This trio demands respect, accolades, and discussion. Sadly, they have yet to earn a direct Grand Finals qualification. That being said, this trio looks scary and will be a true contender if they qualify for Grands.

Setty and Th0masHD exchanged heated words after EU FNCS Week 2

It would not be competitive Fortnite without off-spawn drama. Two professional players exchanged shots both on Twitter and privately in DMs. Iwo "BL Setty" Zając's trio shot Thomas "Gamma Th0masHD" Høxbro Davidse out of the air while gliding into Dirty Docks at the start of the match. Th0masHD and his trio did not take kindly to the move. Th0masHD sent Setty a message letting him know that they were coming after them.

In the last two matches of Week 2, Th0masHD's trio chased down Setty's trio. Neither trio performed well in those matches as they both placed outside of the top 10. Setty wound up finishing the tournament in third place and qualifying for Grand Finals. Th0masHD and co. placed in the bottom half. Setty got the last laugh, but this is likely not the last we hear of this.

Setty clearly believes that Th0masHD broke the rules and purposely griefed. That is why Setty took the Discord messages to Twitter. While there is no definitive proof, the plays look questionable. Th0masHD's trio chased down Setty in the last two games which caused both teams to fall early. No immediate action was taken by Epic Games, but they will take time to review the plays.

Stay tuned to for the latest FNCS news and updates.