European football club, PSG, and North American Fortnite organization, TNA joined forces in an unexpected partnership.

Team New Age and PSG Esports announce a historic partnership. The two parties agreed to collaborate becoming PSG TNA. This agreement is focused solely on the Fortnite roster of TNA. Together, TNA and PSG Esports plan to work together to expand the reach, enhance the content, and grow the organizations.

PSG TNA collaboration goes beyond Fortnite

Leading up to the announcement, TNA teased the end of the Fortnite division. Most of the Fortnite scene expected something big, but no one saw PSG TNA coming.

The five-time FNCS champion now joins the extremely successful esports side of PSG. When asked how the collaboration started, Joaquin, TNA Founder, said "We saw ManCity enter the Fortnite space and thought to ourselves - why can’t we try to do something similar? I grew up studying French for 15 years so I decided to reach out to the folks at PSG because I knew how forward-thinking they were in terms of marketing and branding."

Manchester City entered competitive Fortnite by signing a player in 2021. The move inspired TNA leadership to pursue a new path.

CEO and Founder of TNA, Kirsh, shared more about the path ahead, "We will work together on all fronts to acquire sponsors and brand the team. Additionally, PSG plans to fly us out to Paris to film content. There are also some exciting new events for the Fortnite scene to look forward to!"

PSG TNA goes beyond just Fortnite. Kirsh told that the partnership will lead to much more. He said, "Europe should watch out for TNA and other games won't be too far behind."

This strategic partnership is another example of European Football Clubs entering esports. Several of the top clubs expanded beyond FIFA teams and into other esports.

What to expect from PSG TNA

Initially, the two powerhouse organizations plan to blend their audiences. Both TNA and PSG come from two different markets which should only increase the reach of both brands. Secondly, PSG TNA looks to provide value to the Fortnite scene and sponsors. Next, the organizations want to create merchandise and push for new in-game content.

Who are PSG Esports?

Based in Paris, Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) is best known as a professional football club. Over the past few years, PSG integrated itself into the esports industry. On top of the Fortnite collaboration, PSG also sponsors top teams in LoL, Dota 2, and Rainbow 6.

Back in 2018, PSG partnered with Chinese Dota 2 team LGD Gaming, who have placed top 3 at TI8, TI9 and TI10. A series of results which has won the organization $12.2 million. The League of Legends team has also been a perennial contender at the World Championships. Lastly, PSG just announced their Rainbow 6 team the day before their Fortnite roster.