Here’s everything you need to know about Fortnite’s patch on December 19.
Fortnite’s first patch of Chapter 5 Season 1 landed early this morning following downtime. As promised, Epic Games delivered an update to movement after players complained it felt clunky in the new season. Beyond that, the Fortnite v28.01.01 patch notes include updates to LEGO Fortnite, Rocket Racing, and Fortnite Festival.
Battle Royale and Zero Build movement changes
Epic Games addressed the movement complaints from players following the Chapter 5 launch. Movement as of Fortnite v28.01.01 is quicker when crouching and running. Camera angles have also been changed to “encourage a smoother experience.” Additionally, the animations better match the speed changes.
Recent Balance Changes (before Fortnite v28.01.01)
- Flowberries now grant more Shield.
- Increased damage for the Ranger Pistol, Shield Breaker EMP, and Ballistic Shield's pistol.
- Snowball Launcher mag size reduced.
- Thunder Burst SMG mag size increased.
- Reduced the drop rate of the Reaper Sniper Rifle.
- Striker AR deals less damage.
- The circle indicating a Society Medallion holder is smaller.
- Society Medallions now have a brief delay before Shield regen begins. They also have slightly reduced regen rates and no longer refill 100% Shield (unless you have all five).
LEGO Fortnite

- Snacks now recover more hunger bars in Fortnite v28.01.01 than previously.
- Resolved issue where you could lose items when venturing underground.
- The durability of non-Rare/non-Epic tools and weapons has increased by 30%. For Rare/Epic tools and weapons, the durability has increased by 60%.
- Reduced damage of the Brute’s Poison area for all three Brute
- Reduced damage of the Frost Scorpion explosion.
- Sand Scorpions, Scorpions found in caves, regular Scorpions, Crabs on the shoreline, Sand Spiders, and Alpine Frost Spiders are slightly easier to defeat.
- Rams now give Heavy Wool.
- Grapplers now hold 30 charges.
- Spiders won’t jumpscare you as often when turning over rocks.
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Rocket Racing adjustments in Fortnite v28.01.01

- Epic Games is working to make queue times more efficient in Ranked.
- Collisions are less punishing and should not completely spin your car around.
- Fixed issue where players would receive the Jackie Outfit when reaching Gold II (supposed to be Gold I).
Fortnite Festival

- Fixed the issue where players would see an empty song library in the Main Stage after suspending Fortnite on their device.
- Fall damage has been disabled in the Main Stage’s Backstage as of Fortnite v28.01.01.
- Disabled Restart Song functionality due to an error that Epic is working to fix.
- Fixed an issue where scores would be posted to the incorrect leaderboard.
Stay tuned to for more Fortnite and esports news!