Fortnite Crew November 2022: How to unlock the Inkquisitor

Matthew "MJP" Pryor

Matthew "MJP" Pryor

Fortnite Crew November 2022 welcomes the Fortnitemares 2022 character “The Inkquisitor” to the Battle Royale roster.

The time has come for another entry into the robust Fortnite Crew subscription service. Today, Epic Games announced Fortnite Crew would welcome The Inkquisitor to the list of playable characters. 

This news comes just five days before the end of the annual Halloween-themed Fortnitemares event, where players can battle The Inkquisitor character. The Fortnite Crew pack resets on October 31 at 8 PM EST; here's everything you need to know.

What does the Inkquisitor Fortnite Crew bundle include?

Current and prospective Fortnite Crew subscribers will receive the entire Inkquisitor bundle at 8 PM EST on Halloween. As a result, you'll get the character outfit, back bling, pickaxe, and loading screen. Furthermore, you have until the end of November to enlist in Fortnite Crew and unlock the cosmetic items.

The Inkquisitor appears in the Fortnite Crew offering as he does in-game. You can summon him by navigating to the main house at Grim Gables. However, you should proceed cautiously, as he is incredibly challenging to defeat. You have until November 1 to experience this in-game boss battle before Fortnitemares 2022 concludes. 

Here's a look at the entire Fortnite Crew November 2022 bundle:

Inkquisitor Bundle
Inkquisitor Bundle
  • Inkquisitor Outfit
  • Inkquisitive Stare Back Bling
  • Sunken Strikers Pickaxe
  • The Hunter's Moon Loading Screen

How to subscribe & other perks

Those looking to join Fortnite Crew can enlist by heading to the Fortnite website. Once there, you will find an FAQ and a list of instructions explaining how to become a subscriber. The cost is $11.99 per month, and beyond the Inkquisitor cosmetic bundle, the Fortnite Crew pack yields the seasonal Battle Pass for free and 1,000 V-Bucks. 

Lastly, you can unlock the October 2022 Red Claw collection if you join Fortnite Crew before October 31. You can expect the next Fortnite Crew announcement in late-November before Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 5.

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