One trio took a completely different approach in Week 2 of the FNCS. Fishing. Elsewhere a World Champion reappeared and Kiryache, Stormyrite and Toose secured top spot.

Heading into the final match, seven trios fought to grab the top three spots and qualify for the FNCS Finals. Only a few points separated the bunch. In the end, two trios rose above the rest - Stormyrite, Kiryache, Toose, and FlowiS, KejseR, and Hellfire. The two teams fought to decide the winner of the last match in an epic 3v3. Ultimately, FlowiS, KejseR, and Hellfire came out victorious. Their victory royale secured them a qualification spot at EU FNCS. If you missed our Week One recap head here.

Back-to-back event wins for Kiryache, Stormyrite, and Toose

After winning the EU Cash Cup earlier in the week, Kirill "Kiryache" Grishin, Nikita "Stormyrite" Kulak, and Ilya "Gambit Toose" Chernyshov took home first place in Week 2 EU FNCS. The team continues to perform against the top competition. Most Fortnite players will never win a single event, yet this trio won two within a week.

Kiryache, Stormyrite, and Toose started off incredibly consistent. In the first three matches, the trio finished in sixth, third, and sixth, respectively. After a poor fourth match, the trio locked in. They won the next game with six eliminations. They were in contention with six other trios for the top three spots as the players dropped into their last game. The trio fell just short of a victory royale, but still acquired enough points to win the event.

As expected, the trio shouted in joy following their qualification. Fans do not need to understand Russian in order to appreciate the happiness beaming from the trio in that clip.

A trio qualifies for Round 4 with ZERO eliminations in EU FNCS

The entire Fortnite community was focused on a single trio during Week 2 EU FNCS. They did not win, nor were they dropping high elimination games. "Qrei," "Zelek," and "Treciux" showed off the ultimate heal strategy. The trio did not look for fights and avoided the storm. In fact, the storm provided the trio cover. They held no weapons, only heals.

From the moment the game began, Qrei, Zelek, and Treciux used fishing rods. They fished near Slurpy Swamp and gathered tons of fish. With the help of the Slurp, this trio stood in zone and continued to fish. Eventually, all of their heals were piled together. Zelek and Treciux sacrificed themselves so that Qrei could heal from storm damage for as long as possible. Then Qrei chained together fish, Slurp Barrels, and campfires. In the first three rounds, this strategy won them 11 total matches.

Fortnite fans and players took to Twitter to express their support for the trio in Round 4. Everyone began rooting for the trio to succeed. Unfortunately, their strategy faltered due to storm surge. Qrei, Zelek, and Treciux finished in 25th overall. They only had one great match where the trio finished in 2nd.

EU FNCS Week 2 Standings

  1. Kiryache, stormyrite, Gambit Toose
  2. Refsgaard 7, NVD Endretta, 100T MrSavage
  3. Flames FlowiS, 4 kejseR dA k1nG, 4 Not Hellfire
  4. Solary Floki, Homyno Clément, GO Decyptos
  5. LootBoy Queasy44, Glorious TruleX, Wave Jur3ky

A glorious return for the former World Cup champion, Aqua

Arguably the greatest European Fortnite player of all time, David "aqua" Wang returned to Fortnite this season. He took a short break from competing last season. The exact reasons are unknown, nonetheless, he is back!

Last week, aqua's trio narrowly missed qualification to Round 4 by two points. In Week 2 of the EU FNCS, the trio qualified and outperformed expectations. They won the third match of the day. The moment solidified aqua's return. Overall, the trio finished in 12th place, but proved they can compete with the best in Europe.

Next week, aqua wants to finish in the top three spots and earn a qualification to the Finals. For most players, a top three spot would be an unreasonable expectation, but not for aqua. There is a reason he is so highly regarded. In the final qualifier, he will look to return to his throne at the top of Europe.