A massive upset! Ooredo Thunders unexpected 2-0 over Tundra Esports causes concerns for OG’s chances to stay in Division I.

Sound the upset horn as Ooredo Thunders stampede through Tundra Esports! In a shocking Western Europe Dota Pro Circuit (DPC WEU) series, Ooredo dismantled Tundra 2-0. With that win, Ooredo are now within striking distance of securing a spot at the Berlin Major.

DPC WEU 2023 Tour 2 Division I - Standings (Image via <a href="https://liquipedia.net/dota2/Dota_Pro_Circuit/2023/2/Western_Europe/Division_I" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">Liquipedia</a>)
DPC WEU 2023 Tour 2 Division I - Standings (Image via Liquipedia)

An unexpected loss by Tundra Esports

Team 1
Team 2
Tundra Esports
Ooredo Thunders [W]
Tundra Esports
Ooredo Thunders [W]

Tundra have gone through the season without dropping a single game. Hence, their 2-0 loss to Ooredo came at a complete shock. Both games ended within 30 minutes with Ooredo scoring 33-13 in game one and 26-8 in game two. Tundra's loss appeared even more surprising when compared to their dominating performance in their previous series against Entity.

Game one: Ooredo Thunders win

Suffice to say that a haphazard Io draft might have caused Tundra's defeat in game one. Wu "Sneyking" Jingjun went 1-8 KDA on his Io. In fact, Io was only picked three times across the season by Gaimin Gladiators' Melchior "Seleri" Hillenkamp and Nigma Galaxy's Maroun "GH" Merhej--all ended in losses. However, the conundrum lies in Oliver "skiter" Lepko carry Razor who had a 1-7 KDA.

Game one results and breakdown - Ooredo Thunders win (Image via <a href="https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7072554719" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">Dotabuff</a>)
Game one results and breakdown - Ooredo Thunders win (Image via Dotabuff)

Game two: Ooredo Thunders win

Tundra was not able to amount any difference in game two. Skiter had struggled once again as the carry. Meanwhile the supports accumulated a total of 18 deaths, which is more than half the team's total number of deaths. Sneyking's abysmall 1-11 KDA is vastly different to that during his series against Entity where he was named MVP.

Game two results and breakdown - Ooredo Thunders win (Image via <a href="https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7072664917" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">Dotabuff</a>)
Game two results and breakdown - Ooredo Thunders win (Image via Dotabuff)

Bad news for OG

Ooredo's victory over Tundra impedes OG's path to securing their spot at Berlin Major, and might even spell their relegation to Division II. It is now more important than ever for OG to win all their remaining series for the best possible outcome. On the other hand, they will meet their predecessors, Old G, in Division II should they lose their next two series. They will next face Monaspa on Mar. 25, 11:00 a.m. PST.

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