TSM Bryle: “[Somnus] has robotic laning skills. Everything he does is robotic. Perfect CS, perfect deny. He was the hardest I’ve laned against”



TSM are still undefeated in NA DPC.

There is a thrilling race to the top happening in the NA DPC. TSM, Evil Geniuses and Quincy Crew, all three undefeated but only two spots for an invite to the Stockholm Major. After their 2-0 Wildcard Gaming, TSM Bryle had came on the stream for the post-match interview.

The match against Wildcard Gaming was a relatively one-sided affair. TSM won both games comfortably, the first with a near 30,000 networth advantage while the second one was with a 16,000 networth advantage. The kill-score reflected some of the dominance for TSM as they cruised over their opponents.

But humble as he is, TSM Bryle praised his opponents (Wildcard Gaming) and attributed their victory towards TSM’s preparation.

Wildcard Gaming has a lot of very talented players.

TSM bryle

"Wildcard Gaming has a lot of very talented players. And we had to prepare for them. We did have to do a little homework to beat them. But it did feel good to beat them."

Bryle played Dragon Knight in Game 1, going 18-1 with a 684 GPM. It’s safe to say, he was a key factor in TSM’s victory in Game 1. 

TSM Bryle: “I watch a few Chinese games and EU games to see how other players lane.”

Timado and Bryle
Timado and Bryle

The 21-year-old Canadian player is one of the best, if not the best, midlaner in North America. He constantly styles on his opponents, giving TSM a big advantage in positioning and space. 

When asked which player was the hardest mid-laner he has ever faced, after a brief pause, Bryle answered Somus.

"I would have to say Somnus probably. I remember when I played him at TI10, this guy is just insane. This guy has robotic laning skills. Everything he does is robotic. Perfect CS, perfect deny and that was the hardest I've laned against."

The new DPC format has resulted in teams often playing within their regions. The only international competitions are the Majors and The International. So it’s quite common to see different metas and play styles develop in different regions. 

Top teams often watch games from other regions to have an understanding of the different playstyles and individual player’s performances.

"Yeah I would say I do watch some Somnus games. I watch a few Chinese games and EU games to see how other players lane. But I'd say Somnus is definitely in peak two. I don't know if he is at his peak right now, but when I laned against him in TI10, he was kinda insane to lane against. I don't know if he is worse now or better now, I can't really tell."

TSM Bryle on playing against TSM at TI10

The TSM players have been together for a long time, finally signing up with TSM earlier this year. Soon after joining TSM, the team won the Tour 1 Regional finals, an impressive performance by the players. 

"I would say laning wise, Quinn is top 5. But because we haven’t had an international showing of myself, but I am very confident I can definitely be top 5."

TSM is currently 4-0 and is in tough competition with Quincy Crew and Evil Geniuses for the top spot. The top two teams from North American will receive an invite to the Stockholm Major. 

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