Team Spirit and TSM are two of the eight teams that will kick off Group A of the Lima Major 2023 with this NA vs. EEU showdown!

The Lima Major 2023 kicks off today, with a plethora of opening matches, including Team Spirit versus TSM (Team SoloMid). One of the most hype of these openers, the NA vs. EEU showdown will be a statement game from both teams. TSM want's to prove that their the new kings of NA, and that with their name change, Shopify Rebellion have lost their edge. Team Spirit has the pride of a region behind them — EEU has struggled in international events in 2022.

The live results for Team Spirit vs. TSM are listed below:

Team Spirit vs. Team SoloMid

Team 1
Team 2
Team Spirit2 - 0 TSM
Team 1
Team 2
Game 1 Team Spirit (W)38 - 8TSM
Game 2 Team Spirit (W)33 - 28TSM

Opening games are crucial for teams because they can set the tone for an entire tournament. Both TSM and Team Spirit will want to start their Lima Major off strong with a win vs a tough out-of-region opponent who tests their limits.

As a best-of-two, there's a chance there could be a draw, so both teams would walk away with a good result. Stay tuned for live updates!

Team Spirit vs. TSM Game 1: Spirit schools TSM

With the stream for Team Spirit vs. TSM down, most fans took to the Dota 2 client to watch the matchup in-game. Team Spirit had a more aggressive draft, with Bloodseeker, Leshrac, and Centaur. Meanwhile TSM were playing "protect the Drow Ranger" with a KotL mid and Riki and Enigma supports. TSM quickly grabbed the early lead, however, muting Team Spirit's aggression.

Team Spirit attempted to keep things event, but TSM's small early lead meant they could aggressively advance into Spirit's jungle, finding Yatoro as he farmed. Still, this didn't slow down Spirit, who were able to create space on a now Blood Stone equipped Leshrac to give Yatoro even more time to farm. And they grabbed a few kills as well.

This slowly snowballed out of control for TSM, with Team Spirit even seeming to troll as Collapse picked up the Aghs on Centaur. As the game spiralled to 50 minutes and beyond, Spirit stayed cautious, trying not to throw their lead. But really, for a 55 minute game, it was decided at least 30 minutes earlier.

Team Spirit vs. TSM Game 1: Collapse in control

For game two, Team Spirit looked to shut things down with an oddly classic lineup of Magnus, Ench, Rubick, Pango, and TA. Almost like something from TI10! TSM picked up the unbanned Lina, looking to embrace the "Lina Major" meme. TSM kicked things off with a quick pair of kills, but Collapse is a a Magnus god, so it wasn't even a great trade.

But worryingly, this was starting to look like the Lina show already, and even though Team Spirit could grab some kills, Timado was looking very strong. But as the match wore on, Team Spirit's execution was just too good. Mira's stealing of the perfect spells on Rubick was deadly, taking away the Riki dart and killing TSM when they got caught. What had started as a great game for TSM seemed to fall apart against a Team Spirit that has finally found its form again.

But TSM were able to hold off their opponents, and keep things even. After forcing Roshan at minute 40, TSM attempted to push in towards Team Spirit. But Collapse truly is the Magnus god. A godly Reverse Polarity secured Team Spirit's Win.

Where can I watch Team Spirit versus TSM at the Lima Major?

Team Spirit vs TSM was scheduled to feature on the secondary (EpulzeEN) stream of the Lima Major. We've embedded it below, and the link can be found here. However, the stream was not immediately live, and is instead showed the EG - PSG.LGD game. The only way to watch the TSM vs. Team Spirit game was in-client in Dota 2.

Eventually the stream appeared on EpulzeEN3, we've embedded it below:

And stay tuned to for all the Lima Major news, action, and updates!