SumaiL, the king of mid, played as a support Keeper of the Light in his Dota match against Team Bright. But how did he fare?

Even though he is the king of mid, Sumail "SumaiL" Hassan has played a number of roles throughout his Dota 2 career. He has played as an offlaner for OG and a carry for Team Secret. But never in the wildest dreams could anyone have imagined him to play a support. You've read that right, SumaiL support in Dota! SumaiL played as a position four and proceeded to 2-0 the opposition in his China Dota Pro Circuit (China DPC) game against Team Bright earlier today.

Dota CDPC: SumaiL to support while BoBoKa plays mid

Team 1
Team 2
Team Aster [W]
Team Bright
Team Aster [W]
Team Bright

With SumaiL taking over as the position four support, Ye "BoBoKa" Zhibiao had no choice but to play mid. In the first game, he brought out his ultimate hero, Earth Spirit. It is his number one most played hero with a total of 217 games and a 61 percent win rate. The small track record he has as a midlaner was reflected in his laning performance, having only 87 last hits by the game's end.

Nevertheless, he and the rest of Team Aster brought Team Bright down within 26 minutes with a final score of 14-5. Meanwhile, SumaiL honored his part and played like a bona fide support on his Keeper of the Light, buying Pavise and Eul's.

SumaiL later went back to mid in game two by playing mid Snapfire, and the result was even more one-sided than that of the first game. Team Aster ended Team Bright in just 18 minutes with the final score of 22-8. This is the fastest match in China DPC Tour 3 thus far.

SumaiL said he wanted to watch BoBoKa play mid

Luckily, we got to find out who the mastermind behind the idea of putting SumaiL on support was. It was none other than SumaiL himself. In the post-game interview, Sean "Snare" Rihlamvu asked Lin "Xxs" Jing who decided to have SumaiL play as a support.

Apparently, SumaiL wanted to see BoBoKa play mid. The reason is unknown but BoBoKa told the team that he could either play Storm Spirit or Earth Spirit. Since Team Bright banned the former, BoBoKa had the honor to play his best hero.

SumaiL was simply enjoying a little bit of Dota tomfoolery with Team Aster. Despite being the only non-Mandarin speaking player in the Chinese Dota region, SumaiL seems to have adapted well and has formed quite a bond with his peers at Team Aster. Clearly, the results show as they currently hold the top leaderboard with six consecutive wins. Team Aster will next face their sister squad Aster.Aries on May 24, 9:00 p.m. PST.

We have seen some absurdities throughout the third season of DPC. Have you already checked out 9Pandas Vladislav "Antares" Kertman Skull Basher support Skywrath? Comical!

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