The young OG squad have been knocked out of the Regional Finals in third place, missing out on the chance to earn DPC points.

Gaimin Gladiators have eliminated OG from the WEU DPC Regional Finals event, sending the sunflower squad home in third place.

The team bagged $15,000 for their efforts, but just missed out on earning extra DPC points.

How it started...

When OG crushed Tundra Esports on day two of the DPC Regional Finals, they breezed through to face Gaimin Gladiators in the lower bracket finals.

After four stomps, many people had high hopes that the two squads could put on an even showing.

Unfortunately for OG fans, the dream of reaching the last stage of the Regional Finals started coming apart at the seams almost as soon as the action began.

With a deceptively close laning phase, things looked like they were off to a good start for OG, but after 15 minutes the squad's game plan started unravelling.

After Gaimin Gladiators picked up the first of five kills on Ammar "ATF" Al-Assaf's Slardar they started to snowball.

With the global presence of Miroslav "Boom" Bičan's Storm Spirit, Melchior "Seleri" Hillenkamp's IO, and Marcus "Ace" Hoelgaard's Spirit Breaker, there was nowhere for OG to hide as the Gladiators steamrolled their opponents.

OG called GG at 25 minutes after failing to take a single tower.

How the Regional Finals ended...

Game two's draft got off to a much better start, with OG banning out the problematic IO from the first game.

The squad seemed to be much more focused as their future in the Regional Finals was on the line.

However, Gaimin Gladiators then banned out several of ATF's signature heroes like Timbersaw and Mars.

The picks and bans in game two
The picks and bans in game two

Pushing ATF onto an offlane Huskar, Gaimin Gladiators picked up the Wraith King for Anton "dyrachyo" Shkredov once again.

They also picked up Treant Protector, Tidehunter, and Queen of Pain, making it hard for OG to find kills.

Although OG were able to kill Wraith King in the laning phase, Gaimin Gladiators easily dominated the game.

OG called GG on the game, and the series, after 26 minutes, dropping out in third place.

"What is this draft"

A winner's interview from Gaimin Gladiators' captain Seleri added insult to injury, after the popular position five player poked fun at his opponent's draft in their match-up in the Regional Finals.

What could they even do, what is this draft? There is 0 stuns, a weird game.

We're full focused, a lot of things can go wrong; if this Huskar dominates the lane too hard he can snowball, we just focused on his game.

But like, at one point I'm top, there's three heroes hitting me, and I armour myself and TP and i'm joking a lot. It's really weird.

They picked Chen, it's really bad right now he couldn't do anything. It's OG drafts I guess, going out in style.

Melchior "Seleri" Hillenkamp

A few laughs later and the Regional Finals are almost over

Seleri also revealed in his Regional Finals interview that the squad had shared a laugh together after a miscommunication in game one which saw the team commit to a charge and get wiped out in the mid lane.

From draft it felt very good and then lanes went well. There was one funny moment in mid when Ace was charging through a small camp to farm it and he charged the Shadow Sharman in mid tier one. He was calling 'I'm not going, I'm not going, I'm baiting' and Boom said 'Ok I'm going' and we died.

Melchior "Seleri" Hillenkamp

Despite the joking, Seleri posted a humble message on Twitter after the game.

He also pointed out that the top three teams in WEU DPC Regional Finals all had a vegan player on the squad, tagging OG's Tommy "Taiga" Le with a heart emoji at the end.

Gaimin Gladiators will face Team Liquid next, a rematch of the Upper Bracket Finals played on February 12.

The winner will walk away with $50,000, ultimate glory, and 250 DPC points.

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