Dota 2 reveals Crownfall release date, and fans are not happy

Kenneth Williams

Kenneth Williams

Your wallet is safe… for the rest of March, anyway.

The Dota 2 community tends to spiral into madness in the lead-up to a patch release date, and Valve thinks the madness started way too early for Crownfall. Valve has broken its silence to announce a massive delay for the upcoming patch. It’s disappointing, to say the least, but Valve has added a few new toys for players to entertain themselves with.

Here’s what Valve had to say about Crownfall’s release date, and what fans have to say in return.

Valve spills the beans on Crownfall release date, fans react

Valve has confirmed the release date for Crownfall will be sometime in the middle of Apr. 2024. We estimate that Crownfall will drop on Apr. 19.

The news comes from an official blog post titled Gameplay Patch 7.35d And Matchmaking Features. The post mostly goes over two new draft features, namely the new bans system and pre-match quality display. At the very end, it casually confirms that Crownfall won’t be coming out today, this week, or even this month. Dota 2 community manager Wykrhm Reddy further confirmed the news.

“We know many of you are looking forward to Crownfall, and we're looking forward to getting it into your hands. We're wrapping things up and expect to release in mid-April. We'll see you then,” said Valve.

Fan reaction to Crownfall's new release date has been less than positive. Dota 2 players on social media are blasting Valve with complaints, calling themselves the true clowns instead of Ringmaster. Twitter users share a similar sentiment as evidenced by replies to Wykrhm. Even pro teams like Tundra, Entity, and Team Spirit are joining in the madness. 

Still, Valve has done its best to tide fans over until Crownfall’s mysterious release date. The company has added a new pre-match quality preview for Dota Plus subscribers and a new bans system for everyone to enjoy. 7.35d tamps down many of the most broken strategies from the last patch while buffing a few overlooked heroes. Players will have just a month to test out new strategies before Crownfall finally hits the game.

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