Dota 2 Patch 7.30e is now live, bringing a wave of mild nerfs towards Tiny, Magnus, and Bane amongst others.
Valve has released the latest patch update which came upon the Dota 2 community just a few hours ago alongside the new Dota 2 hero, Marci’s release. Dota 2 Patch 7.30e is now live, hosting a number of mild changes. The updates are mostly nerfs hitting the OP heroes during TI10 and slight buffs going towards unpopular heroes. Here are the biggest winners and losers of 7.30e.
Dota 2 Patch 7.30e Biggest Winners
The item Mage Slayer received quite a good buff, with a debuff duration increase and also attack speed increase. This item can possibly be a viable option among players that want to sustain themselves in the early game.
Broodmother, a hero that was pretty much nonexistent throughout TI10, received a couple of minor buffs. Her movement speed is slightly boosted and her Spin Webs charge replenish time is reduced by 10.
Chen, a hero that can have quite a problem with his mana pool received a good buff that reduces most of his abilities’ mana cost. Spirit Breaker, the only hero that was not contested during TI10 was also buffed. He now has a slightly higher base strength and movement speed, plus more damage on his Nether Strike ability.
Heroes that weren’t as popular during TI10 like Axe, Pugna, and Keeper of the Light also received slight buffs.
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Dota 2 Patch 7.30e Biggest Losers
The latest patch saw many nerfs hit the meta heroes from TI10. Magnus, the hero that took the Dota 2 community by storm during the grand event was hit by quite significant changes. His Horn Toss ability now doesn’t stun anymore but instead applies a 100% movement speed and attack speed slow. The update also reduced Skewer’s range including in Magnus’ talent tree.
The nerf train also hit Tiny, one of the strongest heroes of TI10. Patch 7.30 reduced Tree Throw's damage and the Tree Grab building damage.
Bane was a pesky support hero that was popular at TI10. The recent update reduced his base damage and Nightmare cooldown. A strong right-click hero and magic hero, Lina received nerfs to Dragon Slave and Fiery Soul. Earthshaker saw quite a mana cost increase on his Fissure and Elder Titan’s vision game is nerfed. IO, a go-to hero at every TI also received minor nerf tweaks, and so did heroes such as Void Spirit, Ember Spirit, and Lion.
There are still plenty of strong heroes that escaped the nerf hammer. Throughout TI10 Group Stage, Monkey King was banned 110 times and it speaks volumes on how broken or bothersome he can be. Apart from a longer cooldown on his Boundless Strike, the changes to MK weren’t as significant in patch 7.30e.
A quite notable nerf for items is on the Shadow Blade and Silver Edge where we see a drop in its attack damage and attack speed.
General nerfs that might impact the game much more are the changes to small camp XP bounties. It now is 10% lesser than the previous patch and this will punish the safe lane supports slightly. Bottles now also hold runes for only 90 seconds instead of 120 seconds. This will push most midlaners to be more active and not keep their runes for later use.
You can find more details on Patch 7.30 here.
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