After a rough season, Beastcoast turn their luck around to demolish Infamous in a 3-0 victory during the SA DPC regional finals!

It was not the usual season for the big dogs in the South American Dota scene. After TI, the boys in Beastcoast decided to stick it out together and try for another run at TI. But their usual dominance in the region was challenged this DPC tour. Coming out strong, Thunder Awaken with their new roster swept the region. Beastcoast in the meantime, took a several heavy blows in their journey, losing to Infamous and an upset loss against SG. Though finishing third in the region, Beastcoast had a score to settle.

Having defeated Thunder Awakening in the upper bracket finals, Beastcoast looked posed to reclaim their crown. They had still had one challenge to face, Infamous, who were able to pull out a victory against Thunder in the lower bracket finals.

A Quick beatdown from Beastcoast

Game 1 was nothing short of a stomp. The classic result of a Medusa versus Phantom Lancer matchup left us with a 24 minute long game. The standouts for in this game were the Beastcoast supports. Steven "StingeR" Vargas put on a clinic as the Weaver, sneaking behind enemy lines and making massive space for his carry to farm. With his initiations, he set up perfect echo slams for Elvis "Scofield/Gojira" De la Cruz Peña on the Earthshaker. Once the damage was done, Héctor Antonio "K1" Rodríguez would swoop in and demolish what was left of the enemy team.

Typical SA Chaos

Game 2 started off abysmally for Beastcoast. The Rafael "Sacred" Yonatan Sand King, and Miguel "Michael-" Angel Choque Gomez put the hurt and pressure on K1 again in the bottom lane. Infamous' constant movement and aggression looked to counter everything that Beastcoast was trying to do. But a few pickoffs facilitated by the Void Spirit of Jean Pierre "Chris Luck/C. smile" Gonzales propelled the team back into the game, even allowing them to take a set of racks. Infamous wouldn't go down that easily, and waited out the aegis timer to blow up k1 with the damage of Edward "Lumière" Guillen.

The game went back and forth from there. Infamous were able to get a crucial teamwipe on Beastcoast to secure the next Rosh, and propel them to an even more commanding position in the game. As the game went on however, the k1 Phantom Lancer became too strong for the Infamous lineup to deal with. After an hour of pure chaos and two Divine Rapiers, Beastcoast finally closed it out.

The Final Push

Game 3 again started off rocky for the Beastcoast squad. The comfort heroes of Brewmaster, Monkey King, and Gyrocopter gave Infamous a much needed morale boost. Thus, they were able to take it to Beastcoast in the first ten minutes. As the game progressed, Beastcoast slowly forced their way into the lead. The pickoff potential from the Earth Spirit and Storm Spirit quickly build up a lead for the team. And with k1 occupying his usual spot at the top of the networth, Beastcoast collected themselves and rolled over the last of Infamous' resistance.

Words from the Beastcoast Captain

In the post game interview, Stinger remarked on how he wouldn't have minded playing more games because he was enjoying playing. He mentioned that he and the team felt that during the regular season they were not motivated and were in a bit of a slump. To help work on this, the team actually ended up playing Monopoly together to help come together. Stinger also said that he would prefer a shorter DPC season, because the break in between just makes it harder to get motivated and hopes that the format could be in a short 2 week period, to be more interesting.

With that, the SA DPC tour comes to an end. With the reigning champs again crowned, there is no telling who will step up to the plate in the next tour.

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