Alliance finalizes its roster for the next DPC season, welcoming w33, symetricaL, and CTOMAHEH1.

Ahead of the second DPC season, Alliance has finally announced their full lineup comprising the addition of Romanian star, Aliwi "w33" Omar, Moiez "symetricaL" Lin Mahmood, and Nikolay "CTOMAHEH1" Kalchev.

The Swedish organization has struggled with its Dota 2 roster for a while. From a poor performance at TI10 and until recently dropping to Division II after another rough season. Following the disappointing results, Alliance decided to rebuild while keeping Nikolay "Nikobaby" Nikolov and Adam "Aramis" Moroz.

w33 joins Alliance despite his conflict against betting sponsors

For many people who follow the scene, this announcement comes as a surprise. After Alliance's decision to rebuild, the organization openly discussed which players to consider joining the team. Kelly "kellymilkies" Ong, CSO of Alliance, addressed the community's suggestion to take the popular free agent, w33. She informed that the mid-player doesn't want to be affiliated with betting companies, which is one of Alliance's major sponsors.

Following the roster announcement, w33 made clear that his stance remains the same and we can assume that both parties sorted out a deal.

w33 last played for Team Nigma in early 2021 and has since then been in the inactive roster. Under his belt are some outstanding achievements including placing 2nd at both TI6 and TI9. Joining the midlaner will be European players symetricaL and CTOMAHEH1. symetricaL is a British player who last played for Into The Breach, meanwhile, CTOMAHEH1 is a Bulgarian player who last played for Brame.

It will be interesting to see the mix of veterans and new talents on board but will it be enough for Alliance to make a return to the upper-division? Only time will tell. We will see Alliance play in WEU Division II in the next DPC season.

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