Dota 2 presents a diverse range of heroes for you to play. Check out all the heroes, their primary attributes, and their complexity levels.
Welcome to our Dota 101 series! If you are a new player wanting to familiarize yourself with Dota 2’s hero pool, we have got you covered. This article lists all heroes available to play in Dota 2 and their main attributes. We also classified the heroes according to their difficulty levels.
From only 24 heroes during the Alpha stage of Dota 2, the MOBA has grown its pool of magicians and fighters into a myriad of playable characters. Let's get to know all of the heroes in Dota 2.
How many heroes are there in Dota 2?
There are a total of 124 heroes in Dota 2, with the latest addition being Muerta in March 2023. And good news! You don’t have to unlock any heroes as all of them are available to play from the very start.
What are hero attributes?
There are three attributes in Dota 2: Strength🔴, Agility🟢, and Intelligence🔵. Every hero has points in each attribute and the one with the highest number (or highest scaling number) typically becomes their primary attribute.
The primary attribute normally shows what role the hero is suitable for. Typically, Strength heroes play the tanky role, Agility heroes play the carry role, and Intelligence heroes play the Support role.
To sum it up, attributes are the ingredients that build the foundations of individual heroes. What makes a hero strong, what makes them spell-oriented, what makes them good for right-clicks, etc - are mostly determined by their attributes.
Here is what each of the attribute scales:
- Strength 🔴: Health and Health Regeneration
- Agility 🟢: Armor and Attack Speed
- Intelligence 🔵: Mana and Mana Regeneration
Hero complexity
There are three levels of hero complexities: Easy, Medium, and Hard. Each hero has its own complexity level set by Valve, however, the criteria that determine the complexity level is unknown.
A general pattern is that Easy heroes have a simpler play style to execute and are generally more straightforward. On the other hand, higher-complexity heroes have complicated abilities and tougher execution. Some more complex heroes also require skill in microing. These complex heroes, if played properly, can have a bigger potential in the game.
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What are all the Dota 2 heroes?
Here is a complete list of Dota 2 heroes in alphabetical order and their levels of difficulty. The colored dots next to the heroes' names determine their primary attributes.
Abaddon 🔴 EASY | Alchemist 🟢 EASY | Ancient Apparition 🔵 MEDIUM | Anti-Mage 🟢 EASY | Arc Warden 🟢 HARD | Axe 🔴 EASY | Bane 🔵 MEDIUM | Batrider 🔵 MEDIUM | Beastmaster 🔴 MEDIUM | Bloodseeker 🟢 EASY | Bounty Hunter 🟢 EASY | Brewmaster 🔴 HARD | Bristleback 🔴 EASY | Broodmother 🟢 MEDIUM | Centaur Warrunner 🔴 EASY | Chaos Knight 🔴 EASY | Chen 🔵 HARD | Clinkz 🟢 MEDIUM | Clockwerk 🔴 MEDIUM | Crystal Maiden 🔵 EASY | Dark Seer 🔵 EASY | Dark Willow 🔵 MEDIUM | Dawnbreaker 🔴 EASY | Dazzle 🔵 EASY | Death Prophet 🔵 EASY | Disruptor 🔵 MEDIUM | Doom 🔴 MEDIUM | Dragon Knight 🔴 EASY | Drow Ranger 🟢 EASY | Earth Spirit 🔴 HARD | Earthshaker 🔴 MEDIUM | Elder Titan 🔴 MEDIUM | Ember Spirit 🟢 MEDIUM | Enchantress 🔵 MEDIUM | Enigma 🔵 MEDIUM | Faceless Void 🟢 MEDIUM | Grimstroke 🔵 MEDIUM | Gyrocopter 🟢 EASY | Hoodwink 🟢 MEDIUM | Huskar 🔴 EASY | Invoker 🔵 HARD | IO 🔴 HARD | Jakiro 🔵 EASY | Juggernaut 🟢 EASY | Keeper of the Light 🔵 MEDIUM | Kunkka 🔴 MEDIUM | Legion Commander 🔴 EASY | Leshrac 🔵 EASY | Lich 🔵 EASY | Lifestealer 🔴 MEDIUM | Lina 🔵 EASY | Lion 🔵 EASY | Lone Druid 🟢 HARD | Luna 🟢 EASY | Lycan 🔴 MEDIUM | Magnus 🔴 MEDIUM | Marci 🔴 MEDIUM | Mars 🔴 EASY | Medusa 🟢 EASY | Meepo 🟢 HARD | Mirana 🟢 MEDIUM | Monkey King 🟢 MEDIUM | Morphling 🟢 HARD | Muerta 🔵 EASY | Naga Siren 🟢 MEDIUM | Nature’s Prophet 🔵 MEDIUM | Necrophos 🔵 EASY | Night Stalker 🔴 EASY | Nyx Assassin 🟢 MEDIUM | Ogre Magi 🔵 EASY | Omniknight 🔴 EASY | Oracle 🔵 HARD | Outworld Destroyer 🔵 MEDIUM | Pangolier 🟢 MEDIUM | Phantom Assassin 🟢 EASY | Phantom Lancer 🟢 MEDIUM | Phoenix 🔴 MEDIUM | Primal Beast 🔴 EASY | Puck 🔵 MEDIUM | Pudge 🔴 MEDIUM | Pugna 🔵 MEDIUM | Queen of Pain 🔵 MEDIUM | Razor 🟢 EASY | Riki 🟢 EASY | Rubick 🔵 HARD | Sand King 🔴 MEDIUM | Shadow Demon 🔵 MEDIUM | Shadow Fiend 🟢 MEDIUM | Shadow Shaman 🔵 EASY | Silencer 🔵 MEDIUM | Skywrath Mage 🔵 EASY | Slardar 🔴 EASY | Slark 🟢 MEDIUM | Snapfire 🔴 EASY | Sniper 🟢 EASY | Spectre 🟢 MEDIUM | Spirit Breaker 🔴 EASY | Storm Spirit 🔵 MEDIUM | Sven 🔴 EASY | Techies 🔵 MEDIUM | Templar Assassin 🟢 MEDIUM | Terrorblade 🟢 MEDIUM | Tidehunter 🔴 EASY | Timbersaw 🔴 MEDIUM | Tinker 🔵 MEDIUM | Tiny 🔴 MEDIUM | Treant Protector 🔴 MEDIUM | Troll Warlord 🟢 MEDIUM | Tusk 🔴 EASY | Underlord 🔴 MEDIUM | Undying 🔴 EASY | Ursa 🟢 EASY | Vengeful Spirit 🟢 EASY | Venomancer 🟢 EASY | Viper 🟢 EASY | Visage 🔵 HARD | Void Spirit 🔵 MEDIUM | Warlock 🔵 EASY | Weaver 🟢 MEDIUM | Windranger 🔵 MEDIUM | Winter Wyvern 🔵 MEDIUM | Witch Doctor 🔵 EASY | Wraith King 🔴 EASY | Zeus 🔵 EASY |
If you want to refer to the heroes by pictures, here are all Dota 2 heroes classified into the low-complexity (Easy), medium-complexity (Medium), and high-complexity (Hard) categories.
Easy heroes in Dota 2
These are the 54 heroes Dota 2 labels low complexity.

Medium complexity heroes in Dota 2
These are the 57 heroes that Dota 2 labels medium complexity.

Complex Heroes in Dota 2
These are the 12 heroes that Dota 2 labels high complexity.

We will expand the Dota 101 series more so stick around!