Feeling lonely? Diablo 4 and Season of the Construct want to fix that with the Seneschal: The robot buddy you’ve always wanted. With lasers.
The Season of the Construct is nigh upon us. Diablo 4's third season kicks off next week, but today's developer livestream provided a massive info dump on what to expect. The return of Diablo 3 baddie Zoltun Kulle comes with a number of new dungeons, big loot, and the power of friendship. Diablo 4 season 3 includes the Seneschal companion, a robot buddy and your borrowed power for the season.

Will the Seneschal be as cool as vampire powers or channeling the strength of a walking venereal disease? Let's look at your robot friend. Your roboooot friend. Your robot.... friend.
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What is the Diablo 4 Seneschal companion?

Scaling with your level throughout Season of the Construct, Diablo 4's Seneschal isn't for anyone with arachnophobia. Created from the construct engine commandeered by demonic forces, your robot buddy is, for lack of a better term, an AI partner. However, it's not just a fun DPS boost you'll eventually forget. Instead, the Seneschal is a fully fleshed-out entity that could potentially outgrow you in power. This happens through two items: Governing Stones and Tuning Stones.
The Governing Stones change the core ability and cadence of the Seneschal, while Tuning Stones apply modifiers. Looking for poison damage? Lighting spread? Your robot friend is on it. On top of that, the Seneschal also has its own Uber-Uniques: Two ultra rare Tuning Stones that the devs called Evernight and Genesis. What are they? How do you get them? Blizzard isn't spilling the beans, but that sounds like a challenge.
I only have two questions in regards to the Seneschal: Can I pet it and can I dress it up? We'll find out together when Diablo 4 Season of the Construct launches on Jan. 23.
Stay tuned to esports.gg for esports news and Diablo information.