CS: GO Update Fixes Water Sound Bug Ahead of Major



Valve fixed a crucial bug ahead of the PGL Stockholm CS: GO Major. It’s not a new bug, but with Ancient in the map pool, it was definitely more pronounced.

The latest CS:GO update has resolved a long-standing sound bug that allowed players to hear footsteps when others ran on water across the map. The latest update removes this audio cue and will be a welcome change to CS:GO. 

The bug is not a new one and is existent in the game for a long time. It manifests on maps that have water bodies such as Overpass, Inferno and more recently Ancient. Valve added Ancient to the map pool earlir this year. The map has large swathes of water bodies and players often hear others’ footsteps across the map.

CS:GO Developers Seek Community Help to Fix Bug

A few days ago, CS:GO developers took to Reddit to ask the community to submit demos when they have experienced the water sound bug in-game. 

If you have experienced this in the last few days on official Valve servers and have a demo link please reply here with the demo link and include the round which the bug occurs (and a timestamp) so we can jump right to it.

Valve developer on Reddit.

The update comes just weeks before the start of the PGL Stockholm Major. Sound cues are extremely important in CS:GO and at the highest level, this type of bug could have match-affecting consequences. 

The update also fixed a pixel gap through the B scaffolding on Ancient.

CS:GO Patch Notes for October 15


  • Fixed a bug where water footstep sounds would emit from spectating players’ death locations. (thanks /u/birkir and others on reddit)
  • Bots will be able to open more Danger Zone doors.
  • Stability improvements.



  • Fixed pixel gap through scaffolding near B


  • Fixed many clipping issues (thanks Luar)
  • Fixed missing nav mesh in lower A
  • Updated radar
  • Made map playable again by changing the license plates
  • Various visual tweaks

Stay tuned to esports.gg for the latest CS: GO news and updates.

You can find the entire patch notes here.