The trophy isn’t the only thing hit by the shock protest.

CSGORoll found itself at the center of Counter-Strike’s biggest controversy at the Copenhagen Major, and the company’s relationship with G2 Esports has paid the price. The Counter-Strike skin betting site has formally ended its sponsorship of the organization following the stage rush in Copenhagen. In its statement, the company also indirectly addressed some of the accusations directed at it. Here’s how a fan rushing the stage resulted in the end of a lucrative sponsorship deal.

On Apr. 8, 2024, CSGORoll issued an official statement through its social media channels. In the four-paragraph address, CSGORoll commemorated its time with G2 Esports and mentioned its appearance at the Paris Major. It then counters that it will instead focus on providing “a safe gaming environment.” 

The ambiguous wording is confirmed by G2's updated sponsor list (Image via CSGORoll)
The ambiguous wording is confirmed by G2's updated sponsor list (Image via CSGORoll)

The company did not explicitly end its relationship with G2 Esports, but the statement implies that it will redirect its resources away from the team. G2 Esports’ sponsor list no longer includes CSGORoll, which confirms the separation.

Copenhagen stage rush leads to G2 and CSGORoll break

This sponsorship break appears to be related to the controversial protest at the Copenhagen Major, where fans rushed the stage after accusing CSGORoll of illegal practices.

The incident took place during a live match between MOUZ and G2 Esports. The protestors ran down the catwalk before tangling with security. They then knocked over the trophy pedestal before being escorted offstage. This resulted in a major game delay and increased security for the rest of the event. Protestors also passed out fliers accusing CSGORoll of illegal conduct before the rush. It is likely not a coincidence that the attack took place during a G2 Esports match.

The disruption potentially put G2 Esports' players in danger, as protestors were able to get very close to the players during the stage rush. Player safety is taken extremely seriously at major esports events, as evidenced by visibly increased stage security for the rest of the tournament. It's unclear which organization instigated the sponsorship break, but either way, G2 and CSGORoll have officially parted ways.

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