Al Bagra has a secret.
The Fort Barrack Key is one of many keys that can be found and used in Modern Warfare 2's DMZ mode.
Players can use the key to gain loot worth monetary value in the mode. There is a random element to the rewards for using the key and there is a slim chance that another key or even a weapon can be found.

Keys are a vital mechanic in DMZ. Players can use them to unlock several different locations and loot boxes throughout Al Mazrah. Players who find keys can use them up to three times.
Fort Barrack Key location
Much like many of the different items and keys in WZ2 DMZ, there is an element of randomness to finding the key for Al Bagra.
There are three different methods of finding the key, but each of them remains random.
These methods are:
- Enemy AI Drops
- HVT Contracts
- Loot containers
The most reliable of these options is definitely looting containers. It is easy to hop into DMZ and loot as many containers as possible and extract. Rinse and repeat until you find the key.
Make sure that you are looting the bodies of all enemies that you take out in order to increase the chances of finding the key.
High Value Target contracts are the least fruitful way to go. They are hard to complete plus there is only a slight chance of finding the correct key from completing them.
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Where to use the Fort Barrack Key
For those familiar with the Call of Duty League, Al Bagra Fortress will be a recognisable location. Players can find where to use the key inside the Fortress. Fortress is right at the bottom of the Al Mazrah map.

In order to find this key, you are going to have to get inside the Fortress itself. Attacking from the north, get to the G8 grid reference on the Al Mazrah map. You can find the courtyard of Al Bagra right at the front of the Fortress.
Once you're inside, head down a set of stairs and there will be a set of targets stacked by a white van. Head to the left and you will find a set of double doors which are locked.
It is important to be wary on your approach to the Al Bagra Fort Barrack as there will be a whole host of AI enemies waiting for your arrival.

Fighting through the waves of AI can take some time but if you are skilful enough they should pose little threat. Once you get through them and into the building mentioned, unlocking either door will release the loot of the Fort Barrack Key to you.
Inside, there will be loot, weapons, equipment and cash. All of these things are available for the player to use in advancing their stash in DMZ.
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