Washington Esports Ventures have reportedly withdrawn their interest in acquiring the vacant CDL Franchise slot from NRG Esports according to multiple sources within the community.

In a surprising turn of events, Washington Esports Ventures, owners of the Washington Justice, have reportedly withdrawn their interest in purchasing a CDL slot for the upcoming season. Here is what we know so far.

Washington Esports Ventures Withdraw Interest In Vacant CDL Slot

In a report, first posted to Twitter by notable CDL intel user Unscripted, the Washington Esports Ventures organization have withdrawn their interest in purchasing one of the vacant CDL slots. This was confirmed by the CDL Intel page, alongside a few tweets by Methodz and PaulEHX; who had both rumored to be joining the new team.

Washington Esports Ventures, the current owners of the Washington Justice OWL team, had initially voiced their interest in joining the CDL back in September. Originally they were looking to acquire the Chicago slot from NRG Esports, who have seemingly parted ways with Optic Gaming. Now though, it would seem that the negotiations have fallen through; alongside the prospects of having a CDL team representing Washington D.C.

This has now left the CDL with a huge problem, as NRG are struggling to find a buyer for their unwanted slot. Though their is still time for NRG to sell their slot, things are not looking so good for the league. As things stand the CDL may be forced to go ahead with only 11 teams for the upcoming season. Assuming that NRG doesn't field a team themselves or finally find a buyer in team. A notion that does not bode well for the CDL's prospects.

Florida Mutineers Pursuing Vivid

The CDL intel page, who confirmed Unscripted's initial intel posting, has also reported that the Florida Mutineers are now looking to acquire former Dallas Empire player Vivid. He had originally been linked with the proposed Washington CDL team and would have most likely been a player that they could have built around.

With the Florida Mutineers having already announced their roster, it is unclear how exactly Vivid will fit into the team. And more importantly, who he will be replacing in the starting lineup. Looking at the lineup it is possible that recently promoted amateur player Yeez, may be the one to make way for Vivid. Of course that is purely speculation as Florida have yet to publicly announce anything on their end regarding Vivid.

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