Fans will have the chance to attend a Call of Duty LAN Event for the first time in over a year.

The Call of Duty League's second season will soon be drawing to the close. Luckily for fans, the CDL have decided to grace us with one parting gift before the action-packed season ends off.

CDL To Welcome Back Fans at the Stage 5 Major

The Call of Duty League had already treated fans around the world to the first LAN event of 2021, with the Stage 4 Major that took place in June. For Stage 5 though, they've gone one step further. With this announcement, fans are finally getting a chance to see their teams play live for the first time in over a year.

The road to packed out venues begins once more.
The road to packed out venues begins once more.

Following the announcement, players and fans alike took to social media to express their delight. On top of the welcome news of a live audience, this also marks the second official LAN event of the season. Notably, this will also be the first time fans will be allowed at an event since the Dallas empire were triumphant at the LA Home Series event in March last year.

It's clear from this announcement that CDL is taking yet another step towards a return to some semblance of normalcy for CoD esports as a whole. After all, there's nothing that makes an event great quite like the roar of a crowd.

How To Attend The Stage 5 Major

Tickets for Stage 5 Major went live following the announcement on the CODLeague twitter. The event will run from July 29 to August 1, in the Esports Stadium Arlington in Texas. Tickets for this event will cost $59 and doors for the event will open at 1pm Central Time (3pm EST). You can purchase your tickets by following the official link here.

The caveat of this announcement is that attendance will only be allowed for matches taking place on the Saturday and Sunday of the event. With that said, after such a long void of live action, CoD fans will take what they can get. With the CDL Playoffs just a month away, fans will be hoping that this streak of goodwill from the CDL continues.

Stage V will begin on July 8, with the New York Subliners Home Series. With the road to Arlington all but underway, we'll be here to bring you all of the action.

Be sure to keep an eye on our page for all the latest Call of Duty news. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram to stay up to date on all things happening within the Esports community.