The Rokkr players and management faced the media following their stunning victory at the Stage 5 Major.

The Minnesota Røkkr held a press conference on August 3 in response to their historic win at the Stage 5 Major. It was a chance for the Røkkr faithful to honor their teams heroics to overcome a 0 - 4 map deficit. Here is a recap on what transpired at the Minnesota Røkkr Press Conference.

Main Takeaways From Minnesota Røkkr Press Conference

Rokkr Players Recieve The Highest Praise From Management Team

The press conference began with a few opening remarks by Røkkr COO Brett Diamond in which he heaved great amounts of praise onto his team for their performance. "It takes a special type of team and special individuals to come back from something like that and to fight through that level of adversity" Diamond said, C.O.O. of Minnesota Røkkr. He continued by saying that it was neither a coincidence nor an act of magic that allowed his team to fight through such unimaginable odds.

He believes that Røkkr's win against Ultra was a culmination of the amount of hardwork that the players and coaches put in to enhancing their skills. A statement that truly lent itself to the incredible scenes that occurred in the Stage 5 Major Grand Final.

Røkkr Head Coach Brian "Saintt" Baroska joined in on the praise giving when asked for his thoughts on his team's performance at the major. "I feel like proud doesn't even accurately begin to describe the feeling because it is so much more than that" Saintt said. "The resilience that these guys showed, how confident they were even being down 0 - 4, that is something you can't teach players. That is just the mentality of winners."

Røkkr's Attach and Priestahh Reflect On Insane Moment

Call of Duty Esports has provided spectators with many breathtaking moments, and this latest one is no exception to the fact. And Røkkr players Dillon "Attach" Price and Preston "Priestahh" Greiner have certainly had their fair share of highlight reel moments.

When asked where this latest moment, dubbed the "Rokkr Resurrection" by coach Saintt, ranked on their personal list, the pair gave very interesting responses. "We've been a part of some crazy moments, it might even be first to be honest just because of how crazy of a fashion it was; being down 0 - 4 in a best of 9" Priestahh said. "I've had crazy comebacks before, and a lot of them weren't in finals" he said to round out his thoughts on the moment.

"It is probably going to take some time to set in, but it is probably going to be number 1 because of the fashion in went" Attach said. "It's not like the maps were close and we just started getting some wins. We were getting destroyed. And then all of a sudden we were just piecing maps together and ended up pulling it off. I had some insane comebacks way back in AW, but I feel like this one is probably going to be number 1 because of the competition in this day and age. People think it is so hard to win in Call of Duty right now, there is so much talent. And the fact that we were able to run through that bracket to make it to the finals was just miraculous."

Closing Remarks

Minnesota Røkkr's triumph over Toronto Ultra is sure to live on anals of CoD history as one of the all-time great matches. And though they were full of jubilation at the press conference, that did not stop the players nor the management team from bestowing their commiserations upon their rivals. A moment of sportsmanship that reflects the graceful character of the Røkkr organization.

The Røkkr players have now begun to make their final preparations before they head into COD Champs; the biggest event in the CoD Esports calendar. And given how they performed across all of Stage 5, the Røkkr might just have a few more tricks up their sleeves.

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